Hell and Other Destinations Quotes | Madeleine Albright | SW

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Hell and Other Destinations Quotes
Hell and Other Destinations
Madeleine Albright (Author of Hell and Other Destinations)

“A commander in chief who tries to circumvent the Constitution should be restrained by the legislature and judiciary.” (Hell and Other Destinations Quotes)

Madeleine Albright
Hell and Other Destinations

“A speechmaker’s gravest sin is to leave the listener indifferent. I was determined not to be dull.”

Madeleine Albright
Hell and Other Destinations

“EVERYONE WHO CAN should write a memoir, whether for publication or just to deposit in a drawer or beam to the cloud. There is drama in every life. Fame is irrelevant to one’s worth and can sometimes be an obstacle to an appropriate appreciation of others. Further, the effort to reflect on our opportunities and choices is, for all of us, a challenge worth attempting.”

Madeleine Albright
Hell and Other Destinations

“For students, the highlight of the term is role-play weekend, when they are asked to assume the identities of ambassadors, cabinet ministers, and White House officials while I am privileged to impersonate the president. Since 2017, however, I have been in denial about the presidency and so, for the purpose of role-play, insist that the chief executive’s name is “Pence.” To provide the proper setting and adequate sustenance for our drama, the classrooms are divided into a combination UN Security Council, White House Situation Room, and food court.”

Madeleine Albright
Hell and Other Destinations

“Good people do good things and bad people do bad things,” I was told, “but for good people to do bad things, that takes religion.”

Madeleine Albright
Hell and Other Destinations

“How can one be bored in a world where a billion examples of human ingenuity, peculiarity, pigheadedness, and compassion are on regular view?”

Madeleine Albright
Hell and Other Destinations

“I felt hemmed in by barriers that men were allowed to climb over or walk around. In this, I shared a desire with many women of my era—and yes, later eras—for greater freedom.”

Madeleine Albright
Hell and Other Destinations

“I once experimented with meditation, cleared my mind, and immediately remembered a phone call I had to make; that was that.”

Madeleine Albright
Hell and Other Destinations

“Instead, we prepare for the next jump, then the one after, until after a lifetime of motion is past, we are startled, at least a little, by where we are and by what we have become.” (Hell and Other Destinations Quotes)

Madeleine Albright
Hell and Other Destinations

“Over the decades, I have given speeches of many types, but commencement addresses (along with remarks at funerals) are the hardest to prepare. At my own graduation, the principal speaker was the secretary of defense, who advised the young ladies of Wellesley to find suitable husbands and raise smart children.”

Madeleine Albright
Hell and Other Destinations

“Promoters of free institutions, myself included, love to say that liberty is a universal yearning, but so is the wish to eat.”

Madeleine Albright
Hell and Other Destinations

“Silence may be golden,” I said, “but it won’t win many arguments. If you have something to say, don’t keep your ideas locked up; unclench your jaws and set those thoughts free. And don’t be afraid to interrupt, because that may be the only way you are going to be heard.”

Madeleine Albright
Hell and Other Destinations

“The description of myself that I like best is that of problem-solver, or doer.”

Madeleine Albright
Hell and Other Destinations

“The institute is but one program, of modest size, at a single college. It isn’t going to transform civilization or save it. However, by preparing young women for central roles in unraveling the mysteries of tomorrow, it is a contributor of value. That is all we can claim, and it is enough.”

Madeleine Albright
Hell and Other Destinations

“Though I had never written a memoir, I was confident that given enough time, I could do a serviceable job. Not elegant, but blunt, informative and funnier than most readers would expect.”

Madeleine Albright
Hell and Other Destinations

“Until I am carried out, I will carry on.”

Madeleine Albright
Hell and Other Destinations

“When, at a party, a woman (half socialite, half journalist) told me how “brave” she thought I had been for not getting a facelift, I was tempted to comment on the courage she had shown in dealing with the results of hers.”

Madeleine Albright
Hell and Other Destinations

“While disease is a mugger, age is a cat burglar who steals but a single day each night; and the thief has learned patience.”

Madeleine Albright
Hell and Other Destinations

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