50+ World Against Child Labour Day Wishes and Quotes | SW

World Day Against Child Labour is observed on June 12th each year to raise awareness about the plight of child laborers worldwide and to advocate for their rights and well-being. It serves as a reminder that millions of children around the world are engaged in exploitative and harmful work, depriving them of their childhood, education, and basic rights. (World Against Child Labour Day Wishes and Quotes)

World Against Child Labour Day Wishes and Quotes

The day was established by the International Labour Organization (ILO), a United Nations agency dedicated to promoting decent work and protecting workers’ rights. The goal of the World Day Against Child Labour is to mobilize governments, organizations, and individuals to take action against child labor and work collectively to eliminate its prevalence.

Child labor refers to any work performed by children that is mentally, physically, socially, or morally harmful and interferes with their education and development. It includes hazardous work, slavery, forced labor, trafficking, and other forms of exploitation. The practice of child labor is a violation of children’s rights and perpetuates cycles of poverty and inequality.

On this day, various events and initiatives are organized globally to shed light on the issue of child labor and promote the importance of eradicating it. These activities include conferences, workshops, advocacy campaigns, educational programs, and artistic performances aimed at raising awareness, fostering dialogue, and promoting action against child labor.

The World Day Against Child Labour serves as a platform to advocate for stronger laws and policies, improve enforcement mechanisms, and enhance social protection systems to prevent and eliminate child labor. It also calls for increased investment in education, poverty reduction, and social support programs to create opportunities for children to thrive in a safe and nurturing environment.

By recognizing and actively participating in the World Day Against Child Labour, individuals and organizations can contribute to the global movement to end child labor and ensure that all children have the right to a childhood free from exploitation, and the opportunity to develop and reach their full potential.

We have brought some wishes and quotes of World Against Child Labour Day for you.

Child Labour Day reminds us that it is our collective responsibility to send kids to school and not to work.”

Child labour has taken away the innocence and beauty of childhood and we must come together to protect children. Happy World Day Against Child Labour Day.

Child Labour is a crime and it is the duty of each one of us to raise our voices against it to make this world a better place to live…. Happy World Day Against Child Labour!

Child labour is the biggest crime and the biggest threat to any county. Let us send our children to school and not to factories.

Childhood is a right, not a privilege. Let’s protect it.

Childhood is a time for innocence, wonder, and growth. Let’s preserve it for every child.

Childhood is a time to discover the world, not to be confined by its hardships.

Childhood is precious; let’s shield it from the shadows of child labour.

Childhood is the best time of life and we must make sure that it becomes the most beautiful and memorable time for the children around us.

Childhood should be a time for play, learning, and growth, not for exploitation and labor.

Childhood should be filled with laughter, love, and learning, not with the hardships of labor.

Children are meant to study and play and have a happy childhood. Let us not take that away from them. Happy Child Labour Day.

Children are not meant to earn when they must spend their days just to learn…. Stop Child Labour a better world.

Children are our future and if we are going to put them into factories then we are doomed. Happy Child Labour Day.

Children are our hope for a better tomorrow. Let’s nurture, protect, and empower them. (World Against Child Labour Day Wishes and Quotes)

Children are the future; let’s invest in their education, not their exploitation.

Children are the most beautiful creation by God and we must handle this creation with lots of love and care.

Children’s hands are meant for holding books and dreams, not for carrying burdens.

Don’t let their childhood get ruined because every child deserves to get education and get play time. Happy Child Labour Day.”

Each and every child deserves a childhood and no one in this world has the power to take that away from them.

Education is the key to unlocking a future of possibilities for every child.

Every child deserves a childhood full of dreams, not a life burdened by work.

Every child deserves the chance to chase their dreams, not the burden of labor.

For a prosperous and successful future, we need to send all the children to school today…. Warm wishes on World Day Against Child Labour.

Hand them books and not responsibilities because this childhood is never going to come back. Warm wishes on Child Labour Day.

If we promise ourselves that we will not let any child to become a labour then every child is going to get what he deserves. Happy Child Labour Day.

It is our responsibility to handle children with love, care and affection and to protect them from child labour…. Warm wishes on World Day Against Child Labour.

Let us stand against the social issue of child labour and save the childhood of many children. Warm wishes on World Day Against Child Labour Day.

Let’s break the chains of child labour and set free the potential of every child.

Let’s stand up against child labour and empower children with education, protection, and opportunities. Together, we can make a difference. Happy World Day Against Child Labour!

Life is meant to work but only childhood is meant to study and play, don’t take that away from any child. Warm wishes on Child Labour Day.

May the collective efforts of individuals, communities, and organizations help eradicate child labour and create a brighter future for children worldwide. Happy World Day Against Child Labour!

No matter how rich we are, we can never be happy because seeing a child as labourer hurts every soul…. Let us stand against Child Labour.

On the occasion of World Day Against Child Labour, let us join hands against this crime which kills the joy of living for children and makes this world a dark place.

On this important day, let’s unite to break the cycle of child labour and promote the rights, well-being, and dreams of every child. Happy World Day Against Child Labour!

On this World Day Against Child Labour, let’s work together to ensure that every child enjoys their right to a childhood free from labor and exploitation. (World Against Child Labour Day Wishes and Quotes)

Small hands are made to hold pens and toys…. Don’t let them hold things which are designed for adults to handle.

The best things you can give a child are his childhood and a life where he is free to study and play.

The future of the world depends upon the today’s children…. Educate them and let them play to promise this world a brighter future.

The most precious thing that you can gift a child is his childhood. Let us stand against child labour.

The occasion of World Day Against Child Labour Day reminds us that there are many children out there who are crying for help. Let us put an end to child labour.

The world becomes brighter when we protect the rights and dreams of every child.

The world can never become a happy and prosperous place to live until we eradicate Child Labour from the face of this world.

The world needs to stand together against child labour to protect children and their childhood. Wishing a very Happy World Day Against Child Labour Day.

There is a strong connection between child labour and poverty….. Eradicate child labour to eradicate poverty and have the country grow.

Together, we can create a world where no child is forced to trade their education for work.

Warm wishes on Child Labour Day. We must wake up to the atrocities against the children to save them and their future.

We all have the power to make whatever contributions we can to have these children go to school and learn things for a happier tomorrow…. Happy World Day Against Child Labour.

We all have the responsibility of protecting children from becoming labourers in the childhood. Warm greetings to everyone on World Day Against Child Labour Day.

We cannot call ourselves progressive or successful until and unless we have conquered child labour. Warm wishes on World Day Against Child Labour Day to all.

We must show a child all the love and care and must save every child from child labour because by no means it is fair…. Happy World Day Against Child Labour!

Wishing a very Happy Child Labour Day to you. Let us stand together against this crime against children.

Wishing for a world where every child has the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive, instead of being subjected to hazardous work. Happy World Day Against Child Labour!

World Day Against Child Labour compels each one of us to fight against the atrocities against children.

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World Against Child Labour Day Wishes and Quotes

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