Abby Jimenez Quotes

Abby Jimenez Quotes

Abby Jimenez

Abby Jimenez is an American romance novelist and founder of Nadia Cakes. She is the author of the books The Friend Zone, The Happy Ever After Playlist She later released her third and fourth novels, Life’s Too Short and Part of Your World. (Abby Jimenez Quotes)

 “Apparently dogs are the answer to all life’s problems.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“But my job is to help you with your crazy. Make you the best, most magnificent crazy you can be.”

Abby Jimenez
The Happy Ever After Playlist

“Do you ever see yourself acting crazy, but you can’t stop because you’re not a quitter?”

Abby Jimenez
The Friend Zone

“Don’t get a cat,” she went on. “It’ll walk around pushing your drinks off the coffee table. You’re not emotionally strong enough for that.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“Drunk me had no business putting that out there for sober me. She was such a gossip.”

Abby Jimenez
The Happy Ever After Playlist

“Even if you have no money or time or the weather is bad, you can still live an exciting life if you try.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“Hate is exhausting. Life is too short to hate. Let it go. And while you’re at it, it might help you to try to see him as a whole person who isn’t all black or white.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“How many moments like this had I already missed because of my own stupid hesitations and rules and reservations?”

Abby Jimenez
The Happy Ever After Playlist

“I am not drunk. I’m just talking in cursive”

Abby Jimenez
The Friend Zone

“I am so tired of being more sentimental about everyone and everything in my life than I am about myself.”

Abby Jimenez
The Happy Ever After Playlist

“I didn’t like how easy it was for someone like Gabby, in her position of privilege, to punch down. At all. It was such an unfair power dynamic. She was like a kid wielding her one-star reviews like a toy, for fun. Only it wasn’t a game. It was someone’s livelihood. And here was Daniel, doing what he felt was the right thing, refunding the whole weekend. He was in the worst position to be generous, yet he was. And she was in the best position to show grace, and she didn’t. And doing it would have cost her nothing. And that was the fundamental difference between them.”

Abby Jimenez
Part of Your World

“I don’t pretend to be happy. I just refuse to be sad.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“I don’t think things are preordained or written in the stars. I believe we make our own destiny.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“I forced myself to stop thinking about it. To do what I always did—find gratitude in what I’d gotten instead of dwelling on what I’d lost.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“I know it hurts, but just think, now you know what it feels like for a man with a cold”

Abby Jimenez
Part of Your World

“I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all, I still know quite certainly, that just to be alive, is a grand thing.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“I liked that she didn’t feel the need to impress me and I didn’t feel the need to impress her. There was something comforting about it, about just being you in whatever state you happened to be in.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“I missed him. No amount of time lessened it. It made it worse. My heart was a neglected building, and every day I weathered a fierce storm that dripped through my roof, flooded my floors, and broke my windows, and the disrepair just made me weaker and closer to collapse.”

Abby Jimenez
The Friend Zone

“I tried to enjoy it. I laughed in all the right places and smiled so that it reached my eyes. But all I saw now was the ending.”

Abby Jimenez
The Happy Ever After Playlist

“I was a ghost, wandering the rooms of a museum of the person I used to be, and Jason was like one of the living who could somehow see me and decided to wander the place with me.” (Abby Jimenez Quotes)

Abby Jimenez
The Happy Ever After Playlist

“I was knee-jerk emotional responses, a minefield of bad days and walls to tear down, and they popped up at random, without warning.”

Abby Jimenez
The Happy Ever After Playlist

“I was unmovable. I didn’t like change. I didn’t like to adapt. It was easier to decide to hate something or someone and stick with it, because the other option would be to expose myself to the unknown or open myself up to be hurt.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“I wasn’t ready to give up my love for life. And I wasn’t going to spend one more day looking at the sun. I’d never do it again. I chose living- because anything else was just waiting to die.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“I wondered how long the ripple effect lasted after someone died. Maybe until everyone who knew them was dead too? Or was it something that went on for generation after generation because the damage was handed down, touching each new person and changing them, even if they don’t know why?”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“I’d never met a woman like you before. You told me to go to hell and made me look forward to the trip.”

Abby Jimenez
The Friend Zone

“I’m a woman. I can go into a bar penniless wearing sweats and a questionable rash and come out with leftovers and a buzz.”

Abby Jimenez
The Friend Zone

“I’m supposed to be somewhere at two and I know I’m not getting there until two fifteen, I don’t let myself be stressed until two. Because until then, I’m not actually late yet. All I’m doing is feeling the stress of a thing that hasn’t even happened.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

 “If you spend your life dwelling on the worst possible thing, when it finally happens, you’ve lived it twice. I don’t want to live the worst things twice.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“I’ll orbit around you and be your universe, because you’ve always been my sun.”

Abby Jimenez
The Friend Zone

“I’m cool buying tampons, but I’m not walking a tiny dog into a store in a purse.”

Abby Jimenez
The Friend Zone

“It only took me a minute before my thoughts slid back to Kristen. My mind always slid back to Kristen.”

Abby Jimenez
The Friend Zone

“It’s just that you’re perfect, and my heart hurts.”

Abby Jimenez
The Friend Zone

 “Just because you don’t recognize the fight they choose doesn’t mean they’re not fighting.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“Just keep her laughing,” Doug said. “When a woman laughs, her eyes are closed more. She won’t notice how ugly you are.”

Abby Jimenez
Part of Your World

“Life is no excuse,” she said. “You should always have an adventure lined up. Having something to look forward to is tantamount to happiness.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“Like my life was a stuffy room, and you’re the breeze that came in when the window opened.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“Love follows you. It goes where you go. It doesn’t know about social divides or distance or common sense. It doesn’t even stop when the person you love dies. It does what it wants.”

Abby Jimenez
Part of Your World

“My “happiness” wasn’t always the real thing. Most of the time it was a fabricated, forced version that cracked around the edges if examined closely enough. But it was the choice that was the accomplishment.”

Abby Jimenez
The Happy Ever After Playlist

“Nothing offended me except for cauliflower and stupidity.”

Abby Jimenez
The Friend Zone

“One Day Syndrome. You live your life like there’ll always be one day to do all the things you put off. One day you’ll take the trip. One day you’ll have the family. One day you’ll try the thing.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“People die unexpectedly every day. They have car accidents and heart attacks and strokes and if all you do is live your life fixated on how it ends, you’re just living the end twice. We still have time and all these things that you think will save me won’t. Stop chasing it and just be happy. Be happy with me while you can.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“She beamed at me, nestled into me, perched on my lap, peppered me with kisses. I wish I’d been able to unlock this level sooner. I wish I’d met her years ago. High school. Grade school. A previous life. It all felt like lost time.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“Sometimes the hardest place to live in is the one in between.”

Abby Jimenez
The Happy Ever After Playlist

“Sometimes the hardest place to live is the one in-between.”

Abby Jimenez
The Happy Ever After Playlist

“The house had begun to feel like a sandcastle at high tide. It was crumbling around me.”

Abby Jimenez
The Happy Ever After Playlist

“There’s something more final than forever. It’s never. Never is infinite.”

Abby Jimenez
Part of Your World

“This was just a season, and there’s beauty in all seasons. Even if you are looking forward to the next one.”

Abby Jimenez
The Happy Ever After Playlist

“This was the best date I’d ever been on. And it wasn’t even a date.”

Abby Jimenez
The Friend Zone

“We played like children. Had squirt gun fights in her living room, played the floor is lava. When it was negative five outside, we boiled water and threw it off the balcony to make fog. We blew bubbles to watch them freeze, made snow angels on the roof, had snowball fights”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“You are the flood Vanessa. Seeping and then pouring, washing away everything that I used to think mattered and then filling me up to the top until I’m drowned in nothing but you.” (Abby Jimenez Quotes)

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“You are the kind of man who can’t see the shapes in the clouds. And it’s not because you lack imagination. It’s because you’re too busy to look up.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“You can always figure out a way to have fun. Even if you can’t go anywhere.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“You can’t control the bad things that happen to you. All you can do is decide how much of you you’re going to let them take.”

“You realize that repeatedly bringing me my favorite coffee is comparable to feeding a stray cat, right? You might never get rid of me now.”

Abby Jimenez
The Happy Ever After Playlist

“You should always have an adventure lined up. Having something to look forward to is tantamount to happiness.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

“You’re my soulmate. I’ll find you in the next life. Life I found you in this one.”

Abby Jimenez
Life’s Too Short

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