Bluebeard’s Egg Quotes | Margaret Atwood | Scribble Whatever

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Bluebeard's Egg Quotes
Bluebeard’s Egg
Margaret Atwood (Author of Bluebeard’s Egg)

“And so they continue, in a straight line that takes them over the Atlantic and past the curvature of the earth, out through the moon’s orbit and into the dark reaches beyond.” (Bluebeard’s Egg Quotes)

Margaret Atwood
Bluebeard’s Egg

“He wants to see, he wants to know, only to see and know. I’m aware that it is this mentality, this curiosity, which is responsible for the hydrogen bomb and the imminent demise of civilization and that we would all be better off if we were still at the stone-worshipping stage. Though surely it is not this affable inquisitiveness that should be blamed.”

Margaret Atwood
Bluebeard’s Egg

“How did she end up in this madhouse? By putting one foot in front of the other and never taking her eyes off her feet. You could end up anywhere that way.”

Margaret Atwood
Bluebeard’s Egg

“I smile a forgiving smile. The real truth is that I was sneakier than my brother, and got caught less often. No front-line charges into enemy machine-gun nests for me, if they could be at all avoided. My own solitary acts of wickedness were devious and well concealed; it was only in partnership with my brother that I would throw caution to the winds.”

Margaret Atwood
Bluebeard’s Egg

“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.”

Margaret Atwood
Bluebeard’s Egg

“In theory I can do almost anything; certainly I have been told how. In practice I do as little as possible. I pretend to myself that I would be quite happy in a hermit’s cave, living on gruel, if someone else would make the gruel. Gruel, like so many other things, is beyond me.”

Margaret Atwood
Bluebeard’s Egg

“It must have been then that I began to lose faith in reasonable argument as the sole measure of truth.”

Margaret Atwood
Bluebeard’s Egg

“Like many other art forms of vanished civilizations, the techniques for this one have been lost and cannot quite be duplicated.”

Margaret Atwood
Bluebeard’s Egg

“People change, though, especially after they are dead.”

Margaret Atwood
Bluebeard’s Egg

“Religious people of any serious kind made her nervous: they were like men in raincoats who might or might not be flashers.”

Margaret Atwood
Bluebeard’s Egg

“She finds this objectivity of hers, this clarity, almost more depressing than she can bear, not because there is anything hideous or repellant about this man but because he has now returned to the ordinary level, the level of things she can see, in all their amazing and complex particularity, but cannot touch.”

Margaret Atwood
Bluebeard’s Egg

“The house, and all the objects in it, crackled with static electricity; undertows washed through it, the air was heavy with things that were known but not spoken. Like a hollow log, a drum, a church, it was amplified, so that conversations whispered in it sixty years ago can be half-heard today.”

Margaret Atwood
Bluebeard’s Egg

“Walking along past the store windows, into which she peers with her usual eagerness, her usual sense that maybe, today, she will discover behind them something that will truly be worth seeing, she feels as if her feet are not on cement at all but on ice. The blade of the skate floats, she knows, on a thin film of water, which it melts by pressure and which freezes behind it. This is the freedom of the present tense, this sliding edge.”

Margaret Atwood
Bluebeard’s Egg

“Were my kindliness and essential femininity being trotted out for their inspection? Were they being told in a round-about way that I was harmless, that they could expect to be talked to by me, but not devoured?”

Margaret Atwood
Bluebeard’s Egg

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