Braving the Wilderness Quotes | Brené Brown | Scribble Whatever

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Braving the Wilderness Quotes
Braving the Wilderness
Brené Brown (Author of Braving the Wilderness)

“A wild heart is not something you can always see and yet it is our greatest spiritual possession.” (Braving the Wilderness Quotes)

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness
Braving the Wilderness Quotes

“Anger is a powerful catalyst but a life-sucking companion.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

 “Art has the power to render sorrow beautiful, make loneliness a shared experience, and transform despair into hope. Only art can take the holler of a returning soldier and turn it into a shared expression and a deep, collective experience.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“As I dug deeper into true belonging, it became clear that it’s not something we achieve or accomplish with others; it’s something we carry in our heart. Once we belong thoroughly to ourselves and believe thoroughly in ourselves, true belonging is ours.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“Being alone in the midst of a widely reported trauma, watching endless hours of twenty-four-hour news or reading countless articles on the Internet, is the quickest way for anxiety and fear to tiptoe into your heart and plant their roots of secondary trauma.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“Being ourselves means sometimes having to find the courage to stand alone, totally alone.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“Belonging so fully to yourself that you’re willing to stand alone is a wilderness – an untamed, unpredictable place of solitude and searching. It is a place as dangerous as it is breathtaking, a place as sought after as it is feared.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“I believe Black Lives Matter is a movement to rehumanize black citizens. All lives matter, but not all lives need to be pulled back into moral inclusion. Not all people were subjected to the psychological process of demonizing and being made less than human so we could justify the inhumane practice of slavery.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“I can confidently say that stories of pain and courage almost always include two things: praying and cussing. Sometimes at the exact same time.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“I’ve come to the conclusion that the way we engage with social media is like fire—you can use them to keep yourself warm and nourished, or you can burn down the barn. It all depends on your intentions, expectations, and reality-checking skills.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“If I get to be me, I belong. If I have to be like you, I fit in.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“It takes real courage to allow ourselves to feel pain. When we’re suffering, many of us are better at causing pain than feeling it. We spread hurt rather than let it inside.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness
Braving the Wilderness Quotes

“It’s helpful to keep in mind Alberto Brandolini’s Bullshit Asymmetry Principle or what’s sometimes known as Brandolini’s law: “The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it.” (Braving the Wilderness Quotes)

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“Joy is probably the most vulnerable emotion we experience in our lives.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“Living with air pollution increases your odds of dying early by 5 percent. Living with obesity, 20 percent. Excessive drinking, 30 percent. And living with loneliness? It increases our odds of dying early by 45 percent.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“My job is to help my children believe in and belong to themselves.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“Our work is to get to the place where we like ourselves and are concerned when we judge ourselves too harshly or allow others to silence us. The wilderness demands this level of self-love and self-respect.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“Pain is unrelenting. It will get our attention. Despite our attempts to drown it in addiction, to physically beat it out of one another, to suffocate it with success and material trappings, or to strangle it with our hate, pain will find a way to make itself known.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“People are hard to hate close up. Move in. Speak truth to bullshit. Be civil. Hold hands. With strangers. Strong back. Soft front. Wild heart.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“Spirituality is recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected to each other by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and compassion.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“Terrorism is time-released fear. The ultimate goal of both global and domestic terrorism is to conduct strikes that embed fear so deeply in the heart of a community that fear becomes a way of life.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“The mark of a wild heart is living out the paradox of love in our lives. It’s the ability to be tough and tender, excited and scared, brave and afraid—all in the same moment. It’s showing up in our vulnerability and our courage, being both fierce and kind.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“The special courage it takes to experience true belonging is not just about braving the wilderness, it’s about becoming the wilderness. It’s about breaking down the walls, abandoning our ideological bunkers and living from our wild heart rather than our weary hurt. We’re going to need to intentionally be with people who are different from us. We’re going to have to sign up, join and take a seat at the table. We’re going to have to learn how to listen, have hard conversations, look for joy, share pain and be more curious than defensive, all while seeking moments of togetherness.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“The world feels high lonesome and heartbroken to me right now. We’ve sorted ourselves into factions based on our politics and ideology. We’ve turned away from one another and toward blame and rage. We’re lonely and untethered. And scared. So damn scared.” (Braving the Wilderness Quotes)

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“There are days when I love everything about social media, from the swift and powerful justice they can deliver to the endless stream of pictures of cupcakes decorated to look like succulents. Then there are days when I’m sure that Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram exist solely to piss me off, hurt my feelings, remind me of my inadequacies, and give dangerous people a platform.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“True belonging is not passive. It’s not the belonging that comes with just joining a group. It’s not fitting in or pretending or selling out because it’s safer. It’s a practice that requires us to be vulnerable, get uncomfortable, and learn how to be present with people without sacrificing who we are.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“True belonging is the spiritual practice of believing in and belonging to yourself so deeply that you can share your most authentic self with the world and find sacredness in both being a part of something and standing alone in the wilderness.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“We all need to be seen and honored in the same way that we all need to breathe.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“We are wired for connection. But the key is that, in any given moment of it, it has to be real.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“We can spend our entire life betraying ourself and choosing fitting in over standing alone. But once we’ve stood up for ourself and our beliefs, the bar is higher. A wild heart fights fitting in and grieves betrayal.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

 “We have to find our way back to one another or fear wins.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“We want to be part of something, but we need it to be real – not conditional or fake or constantly up for negotiation.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“When a group or community doesn’t tolerate dissent and disagreement, it forgoes any experience of inextricable connection. There is no true belonging, only an unspoken treaty to hate the same people. This fuels our spiritual crisis of disconnection.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“When the culture of any organization mandates that it is more important to protect the reputation of a system and those in power than it is to protect the basic human dignity of the individuals who serve that system or who are served by that system, you can be certain that the shame is systemic, the money is driving ethics, and the accountability is all but dead.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“When we are in pain and fear, anger and hate are our go-to emotions.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness
Braving the Wilderness Quotes

“When we’re suffering, many of us are better at causing pain than feeling it. We spread hurt rather than let it inside.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

“When you are grateful for what you have, I know you understand the magnitude of what I have lost.”

Brené Brown
Braving the Wilderness

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Braving the Wilderness Quotes

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