Elevation Quotes | Stephen King | Scribble Whatever

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Elevation Quotes
Stephen King (Author of Elevation)

“A sense that you had gone beyond yourself and could go farther still.” (Elevation Quotes)

Stephen King

“Above him was a half-moon and what seemed like a trillion stars. To match the trillion pebbles, just as mysterious, that we walk over every day, he thought. Mystery above, mystery below. Weight, mass, reality: mystery all around.”

Stephen King

“Everyone should have this, he thought, and perhaps, at the end, everyone does. Perhaps in their time of dying, everyone rises.”

Stephen King

“Everything leads to this, he thought. To this elevation. If it’s how dying feels, everyone should be glad to go.”

Stephen King

 “Gravity is the anchor that pulls us down into our graves. There would be no grave for this man, and no more gravity, either. He had been given a special dispensation.”

Stephen King

 “Hands on a clock, numbers on a bathroom scale, weren’t they only ways of trying to measure invisible forces that had visible effects? A feeble effort to corral some greater reality beyond what mere humans thought of as reality? “Let it”

Stephen King

 “He thought he had discovered one of life’s great truths (and one he could have done without): the only thing harder than saying goodbye to yourself, a pound at a time, was saying goodbye to your friends.”

Stephen King

“He used to say what you deserve has nothing to do with where you finish.”

Stephen King

“It is what it is, right? As Nora used to say when she came home from those meetings of hers: life is what we make it and acceptance is the key to all our affairs.’

Stephen King

“Life is what we make it and acceptance is the key to all our affairs.”

Stephen King

“Not a wind, not even a high, exactly, but an elevation. A sense that you had gone beyond yourself and could go farther still.”

Stephen King

“Not so long ago he had avoided the bathroom scale because it showed too many pounds; now he stayed away for the opposite reason. The irony was not lost on him. For the time”

Stephen King

“The night was cold, chilling the sweat on his face, but the air was as sweet and crisp as the first bite of a fall apple. Above him was a half-moon and what seemed like a trillion stars.

Stephen King

“Time is invisible. Unlike weight. Ah, but maybe that wasn’t true. You could feel weight, yes–when you were carrying too much, it made you ploddy–but wasn’t it, like time, basically just a human construct? Hands on a clock, numbers on a bathroom scale, weren’t they only ways of trying to measure invisible forces that had visible effects? A feeble effort to corral some greater reality beyond what mere humans thought of as reality?”

Stephen King

“Why feel bad about what you couldn’t change? Why not embrace it?”

Stephen King

“You could feel weight, yes—when you were carrying too much, it made you ploddy—but wasn’t it, like time, basically just a human construct? Hands on a clock, numbers on a bathroom scale, weren’t they only ways of trying to measure invisible forces that had visible effects? A feeble effort to corral some greater reality beyond what mere humans thought of as reality?”

Stephen King

To match the trillion pebbles, just as mysterious, that we walk over everyday, he thought. Mystery above, mystery below. Weight, mass, reality: mystery all around.”

Stephen King

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