Genuine Fraud Quotes | E. Lockhart | Scribble Whatever

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Genuine Fraud Quotes
Genuine Fraud
E. Lockhart (Author of Genuine Fraud)

“And in the end, after he broke up with me and I was sad and mental, I came to the Vineyard and one day I thought: If you, Mr. Isaac. I’m not so very ignorant. I just know stuff about stuff that you dismiss as unimportant and useless. Does that make sense?” (Genuine Fraud Quotes)

E. Lockhart
Genuine Fraud

“Do you think a person is as bad as her worst actions?…I mean, do our worst actions define us when we’re alive? Or, do you think human beings are better than the very worst things we have ever done?”

E. Lockhart
Genuine Fraud

“For anyone who has been taught that good equals small and silent, here is my heart with all its ugly tangles and splendid fury.”

E. Lockhart
Genuine Fraud

“I am the center of the story now, Jule said to herself. I don’t have to weigh very little, wear very little, or have my teeth fixed. I am the center.”

E. Lockhart
Genuine Fraud

“If only she could go back in time, Jule felt, she would be a better person. Or a different person. She would be more herself. Or maybe less herself.”

E. Lockhart
Genuine Fraud

“It was like being able to fight, she realized. And being able to change accents. They were powers that lived in your body. They would never leave you, no matter how you looked, no matter who loved or didn’t love you.”

E. Lockhart
Genuine Fraud

“Jule believed that the more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle.”

E. Lockhart
Genuine Fraud

“Jule had many rare talents. She worked hard and really had so damn much to offer. She knew all that. So why did she feel worthless at the same time?”

E. Lockhart
Genuine Fraud

“Men still walk around like the US of A is a big cake store and all the cake is for them.” (Genuine Fraud Quotes)

E. Lockhart
Genuine Fraud

“She believed that the way you speak is often more important than anything you have to say.”

E. Lockhart
Genuine Fraud

 “She didn’t know if she could love her own mangled, strange heart. She wanted someone else to do it for her, to see it beating behind her ribs and to say, I can see your true self. It is there, and it is rare and worthy. I love you.

E. Lockhart
Genuine Fraud

“She knew that women were rarely the centers of such stories. Instead, they were eye candy, arm candy, victims, or love interests. Mostly, they existed to help the great white hetero hero on his epic journey. When there was a heroine, she weighed very little, wore very little, and had had her teeth fixed.”

E. Lockhart
Genuine Fraud

“She looked the same, looked just like anyone, but she saw the world differently after that. To be a physically powerful woman—it was something. You could go anywhere, do anything, if you were difficult to hurt.”

E. Lockhart
Genuine Fraud

“The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.”

E. Lockhart
Genuine Fraud

“The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle.”

E. Lockhart
Genuine Fraud

“The way you speak is often more important than anything you have to say.”

E. Lockhart
Genuine Fraud

“They want you to be small and silent. Good was just another word for don’t fight back.”

E. Lockhart
Genuine Fraud

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