Hag-Seed Quotes | Margaret Atwood | Scribble Whatever

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Hag-Seed Quotes
Margaret Atwood (Author of Hag-Seed)

“All of these men are thinking mostly about ruling and rulers. Who should rule, and how. Who should have power, how they should get it, and how they should use it.” (Hag-Seed Quotes)

Margaret Atwood

“It’s always risky, the prospect that the prisoners might be having more fun than the guards. Resentment can build up, and that would cause problems for Felix.”

Margaret Atwood

“It’s taken a while, but revenge is a dish best eaten cold, he reminds himself.”

Margaret Atwood

“Miranda nods, because she knows that to be true: noble people don’t do things for the money, they simply have money, and that’s what allows they to be noble. They don’t really have to think about it much; they sprout benevolent acts the way trees sprout leaves.”

Margaret Atwood

“Miranda nods, because she knows that to be true: noble people don’t do things for the money, they simply have money, and that’s what allows them to be noble. They don’t really have to think about it much; they sprout benevolent acts the way trees sprout leaves.”

Margaret Atwood

“Suddenly revenge is so close he can actually taste it. It tastes like steak, rare.”

Margaret Atwood

“The rest of his life. How long that time had once felt to him. How quickly it has sped by. How much of it has been wasted. How soon it will be over.”

Margaret Atwood

“The whole play takes place on an island,” says Felix, standing beside his whiteboard. “But what kind of island is it? Is it magic in itself? We never really know. It’s different for each one of the people who’s landed on it. Some of them fear it, some of them want to control it. Some of them just want to get away from it.”

Margaret Atwood

“Why should the other ones in this play get a second chance at life, but not him? Why’s he have to suffer so much for being what he is? It’s like he’s, you know, black or Native or something. Five strikes against him from Day One. He never asked to get born.”

Margaret Atwood

“You’re clear, Mr. Duke.” Grins from both of them. What could Felix possibly be suspected of smuggling, a harmless old thespian like him? It’s the words that should concern you, he thinks at them. That’s the real danger. Words don’t show up on scanners.”

Margaret Atwood

“Young love, thinks Felix wistfully. So good for the complexion.”

Margaret Atwood

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