Lady Oracle Quotes | Margaret Atwood | Scribble Whatever

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Lady Oracle Quotes
Lady Oracle
Margaret Atwood (Author of Lady Oracle)

“A man in a cloud, with icicle teeth and eyes of fire.” (Lady Oracle Quotes)

Margaret Atwood
Lady Oracle

“A place with no handholds, no landmarks, no past at all: That would have been too much like dying”

Margaret Atwood
Lady Oracle

“Below me, in the foundations of the house, I could hear the clothes I’d buried there growing themselves a body.”

Margaret Atwood
Lady Oracle

“Besides, who would think of marrying a mothball? A question my mother put to me often, later, in other forms.”

Margaret Atwood
Lady Oracle

“But it wasn’t more honestly that would have saved me, I thought; it was more dishonesty. In my experience, honesty and expressing your feelings could lead to only one thing. Disaster.”

Margaret Atwood
Lady Oracle

“His view of the world featured swift disasters set against a background of lurking doom, my cooking did nothing to contradict it.”

Margaret Atwood
Lady Oracle

“How could I be sleeping with this particular man. Surely only true love could justify my lack of taste.”

Margaret Atwood
Lady Oracle

“I always remembered what she looked like, the dried apple face, the silvery gray hair, the snapping blue eyes.”

Margaret Atwood
Lady Oracle

“I didn’t want him to become gray and multi-dimensional and complicated like everyone else. Was every Heathcliff a Linton in disguise?”

Margaret Atwood
Lady Oracle

“I got a reputation for being absentminded, which Arthur’s friends found endearing. Soon it was expected of me, and I added it to my repertoire of deficiencies.”

Margaret Atwood
Lady Oracle

“I longed for the simplicity of that world, where happiness was possible and wounds were only ritual ones. Why had I been closed out from that impossible white paradise where love was as final as death, and banished to this other place where everything changed and shifted?”

Margaret Atwood
Lady Oracle

“I planned my death carefully, unlike my life, which meandered along from one thing to another, despite my feeble attempts to control it.”

Margaret Atwood
Lady Oracle

“I sang out the words unflinchingly though, as I stomped around the toadstool in clouds of church-basement dust, with a damp Gnome hand clutched in each of mine.”

Margaret Atwood
Lady Oracle

“I thought, men who changed their names were likely to be con-men, criminals, undercover agents or magicians, whereas women who changed their names were probably just married.”

Margaret Atwood
Lady Oracle

“I wanted to forget the past, but it refused to forget me; it waited for sleep, then cornered me.”

Margaret Atwood
Lady Oracle

“Love was merely a tool, smiles were another tool, they were both just tools for accomplishing certain ends. No magic, merely chemicals. I felt I’d never really loved anyone, not Paul, not Chuck the Royal Porcupine, not even Arthur. I’d polished them with my love and expected them to shine, brightly enough to return my own reflection, enhanced and sparkling.”

Margaret Atwood
Lady Oracle

“My life had a tendency to spread, get flabby, to scroll and festoon like the frame of a baroque mirror, which came from following the line of least resistance. I wanted my death, by contrast, to be neat and simple, understated, even a little severe, like a Quaker church or the basic black dress with a single strand of pearls…”

Margaret Atwood
Lady Oracle

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