Love in the Time of Cholera Quotes | Gabriel García Márquez | SW

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Love in the Time of Cholera Quotes
Love in the Time of Cholera
Gabriel García Márquez (Author of Love in the Time of Cholera)

“By virtue of marrying a man she does not love for money. That’s the lowest kind of wh*re.” (Love in the Time of Cholera Quotes)

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“Courage did not come from the need to survive, or from a brute indifference inherited from someone else, but from a driving need for love which no obstacle in this world or the next world will break.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“Florentina Ariza had kept his answer ready for fifty-three years, seven months and eleven days and nights. ‘Forever,’ he said.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“He did not dare to console her, knowing that it would have been like consoling a tiger run thru by a spear.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“He would wake for no reason in the middle of the night, and the memory of the self-absorbed love was revealed to him for what it was: a pitfall of happiness that he despised and desired at the same time, but from which it was impossible to escape.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“I don’t believe in God, but I’m afraid of Him.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“It had to teach her to think of love as a state of grace: not the means to anything but the alpha and omega, an end it itself.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“It is incredible how one can be happy for so many years in the midst of so many squabbles, so many problems, damn it, and not really know if it was love or not.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“It was a meditation on life, love, old age, death: ideas that had often fluttered around her head like nocturnal birds but dissolved into a trickle of feathers when she tried to catch hold of them.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“It was also her nature that caused her letters to avoid emotional pitfalls and confine themselves to relating the events of her daily life in the utilitarian style of a ship’s log. In reality they were distracted letters, intended to keep the coals alive without putting her hand in the fire, while Florentino Ariza burned himself alive in every line.” (Love in the Time of Cholera Quotes)

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“It was the year they fell into devastating love. Neither one could do anything except think about the other, dream about the other, and wait for letters with the same impatience they felt when they answered them.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“One could be happy not only without love, but despite it.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“One night she came back from her daily walk stunned by the revelation that one could be happy not only without love, but despite it.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“She had the revelation one Sunday that while the other instruments played for everyone the violen played for her alone.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“She searched the truth with an anguish almost as great as her terrible fear of finding it.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“She was a ghost in a strange house that overnight had become immense and solitary and through which she wandered without purpose, asking herself in anguish which one of them was deader: the man who had died or the woman he had left behind.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“Tell him yes. Even if you are dying of fear, even if you are sorry later, because whatever you do, you will be sorry all the rest of your life if you say no.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“The heart’s memory eliminates the bad and magnifies the good.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“The only thing worse than bad health is a bad name.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“The people one loves should take all their things with them when they die.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“The problem in public life is learning to overcome terror; the problem in married life is learning to overcome boredom.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“The weak would never enter the kingdom of love, which is a harsh & ungenerous kingdom & that women gives themselves only to men of resolute spirit, who provides the security they need in order to face life” (Love in the Time of Cholera Quotes)

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“The world is divided into those who screw and those who do not. He distrusted those who did not—when they strayed from the straight and narrow it was something so unusual for them that they bragged about love as if they had just invented it.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“There was no sleeper more elegant than she, with her curved body posed for a dance and her hand across her forehead, but there was also no one more ferocious when anyone disturbed the sensuality of her thinking she was still asleep when she no longer was.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“Think of love as a state of grace: not the means to anything but the alpha and omega, an end in itself.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“Today, when I saw you, I realized that what is between us is nothing more than an illusion.”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

“Why do you insist on talking about what does not exist?”

Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera

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Love in the Time of Cholera Quotes

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