Midnight Sun Quotes | Stephenie Meyer | Scribble Whatever

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Midnight Sun
Stephenie Meyer (Author of Midnight Sun)

“Attraction. It was a problematic thing to contemplate. So many sides to it, so many different meanings and levels. Not the same thing as love, but tied up in it inextricably.” (Midnight Sun Quotes)

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun
Midnight Sun Quotes

“Bella Swan walked into the flow of heated air that blew toward me from the vent. Her scent hit me like a battering ram, like an exploding grenade. There was no image violent enough to encompass the force of what happened to me in that moment. Instantly, I was transformed.  I was a predator. She was my prey. There was nothing else in the whole world but that truth. I was a vampire, and she had the sweetest blood I’d smelled in more than eighty years.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“Could a dead, frozen heart beat again? It felt like mine was about to.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“Every word we spoke here each one of them was another pomegranate seed.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“For almost ninety years I’ve walked among my kind, and yours… all the time thinking I was complete in myself, not realizing what I was seeking. And not finding anything… because you weren’t alive yet.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“For just a second, I saw Persephone, pomegranate in hand. Dooming herself to the underworld. Is that who I was? Hades himself, coveting springtime, stealing it, condemning it to endless night.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“For the first time in a hundred years, I was grateful to be what I was. Every aspect of being a vampire – all but the danger to her – was suddenly acceptable to me, because it was what had let me live long enough to find Bella.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun
Midnight Sun Quotes

“For the first time in a hundred years, I was grateful to be what I was. Every aspect of being a vampire – all but the danger to her – was suddenly acceptable to me, because it was what had let me live long enough to find Bella. The decades I had endured would not have been so difficult had I known what was waiting for me, that my existence was advancing toward something better than I could have imagined. It had not been years of killing time, as I had thought; it had been years of progress. Refining, preparing, mastering myself so that I could have this now.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“Her dreams all had clipped wings – not like those of the usual teenager off to conquer the world. Obviously a product of facing realities long before she should have had to.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“Her instincts were all wrong – backward. That must be the problem. She didn’t recognize danger the way a human being should be able to. She had the opposite reaction. Instead of running, she lingered, drawn to what should frighten her.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“Her scent and her silence. Or rather to take the responsibility on myself, where it belonged my thirst and my curiosity.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“Humans were constantly desperate to feel normal, to fit in. To blend in with everyone else around them, like a featureless flock of sheep. The need was particularly strong during the insecure adolescent years.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“I buried my face in the hollow of her neck and breathed in her searing essence, wishing again, as I had in the beginning, that I could dream with her.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“I could not think of one place on the entire planet that held any interest for me. There was nothing I wanted to see or do. Because no matter where I went, I would not be going to anywhere – I would only be running from. I hated that. When had I become such a coward?”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“I knew her well enough to see that the sight of so many books in one room was something of a dream to her.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“I used to know what I was doing. I used to be always sure of my course. And now everything was chaos and tumult. Yet I wouldn’t trade it. Not if the chaos meant that I could be near Bella.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“I would fight, I would keep fighting. Whatever force it was that wanted to hurt Bella would have to go through me. No, she had no guardian angel. But I would do my best to make up for the lack.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“I’d always instinctively known that there was no deity for my kind. It made no sense for immortals to have a god; we had taken ourselves out of any god’s power. We created our lives, and the only power strong enough to take them away again was another like us. Earthquakes couldn’t crush us, floods couldn’t drown us, fires were too slow to catch us. Sulfur and brimstone were irrelevant. We were the gods of our own alternate universe. Inside the mortal world but over it, never slaves to its laws, only our own.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“I’ll be the first to admit that I have no experience with relationships. But it just seems logical … a man and woman have to be somewhat equal… as in, one of them can’t always be swooping in and saving the other one. They have to save each other equally.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun
Midnight Sun Quotes

“I’m not a big fan of birthdays. It’s a lot of pressure. Presents and stuff. What if you don’t like them? You’ve got to get your game face on right away so you don’t hurt anyone’s feelings. And people look at you a lot.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“Isn’t this the worst luck any human could ever possibly have – to have a vampire fall in love with them?”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“Just because we’ve been… dealt a certain hand… it doesn’t mean that we can’t choose to rise above – to conquer the boundaries of a destiny that none of us wanted. To try to retain whatever essential humanity we can.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“Maybe if I could be unconscious, if I could dream, I could live for a few hours in a world where she and I could be together. She dreamed of me. I wanted to dream of her.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“My life was an unending, unchanging midnight. It must, by necessity, always be midnight for me. So how was it possible that the sun was rising now, in the middle of my midnight?”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“Perhaps romance always seemed a slightly foolish thing to everyone until one actually fell into it.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“She had changed me more than I’d known it was possible for me to change and still remain myself.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“The English room could have gone up in flames and I wouldn’t have noticed.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“The sky above me was clear, brilliant with stars, glowing blue in some places, yellow in others. The stars created majestic, swirling shapes against the black backdrop of the empty universe”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“The wast majority of my thoughts revolved around her as though she was the center of my mind’s gravity.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“Though I hated her, I was absolutely aware that my hatred was unjust. I knew that what I really hated was myself. And I would hate us both so much more when she was dead.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“Twilight again. Another ending. No matter how perfect the day is, it always has to end.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun
Midnight Sun Quotes

“When Bella said the word forever, it didn’t mean the same thing to her as it meant to me. For her, it meant merely a very long time. It meant she couldn’t see the end yet. How could anyone who had lived only seventeen years comprehend what fifty years meant, let alone eternity? She was human, not a frozen immortal. Within just a few years, she would reinvent herself many times over. Her priorities would shift as her world grew wider. The things she wanted now wouldn’t be the things she wanted then.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

“When I stared up at the jeweled sky, it was as if there were an obstruction between my eyes and its beauty. The obstruction was a face, just an unremarkable human face, but I couldn’t quite seem to banish it from my mind.” “With every fiber of my being, I ached to be a normal man, so that I could hold her in my arms without risking her life. So that I could be free to spin my own fantasies, fantasies that didn’t end with her blood on my hands, her blood glowing in my eyes.”

Stephenie Meyer
Midnight Sun

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Midnight Sun Quotes

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