Missing You Quotes | Harlan Coben | Scribble Whatever

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Missing You Quotes
Missing You
Harlan Coben (Author of Missing You)

“Certain problems cannot be solved if you are constantly entertained and distracted.” (Missing You Quotes)

Harlan Coben
Missing You

“Every house on every street is really just a family facade. We look at it and think we know what’s going on inside, but we never really have any idea.”

Harlan Coben
Missing You

“Every relationship has fissures and cracks. That doesn’t mean it’s meaningless or bad or even wrong. We know that everything in our lives is complex and gray. Yet we somehow expect our relationships to never be anything but simple and pure.”

Harlan Coben
Missing You

“Guys who always shined their shoes were usually self-involved asswipes who figure superficiality trumps substance.”

Harlan Coben
Missing You

“If a man had enough to eat, he’d want to grow a second mouth.’ He also had a dirty way of saying it, but I won’t repeat it here.”

Harlan Coben
Missing You

“I’m not saying there’s no such thing as right or wrong. But I’m saying what may work for some doesn’t work for others. ”

Harlan Coben
Missing You

“In life, you can forgive yourself for a lot, but for reasons that made very little rational sense, it is very hard to forgive yourself for surviving.”

Harlan Coben
Missing You

“Most people understand on some level that there are a lot of surveillance cameras out there, but very few people really get it. There are forty million surveillance cameras in the United States alone and the number keeps growing. You never go through a day without being recorded.”

Harlan Coben
Missing You

“Perhaps the greatest lesson was also the simplest: Cherish and take care of what you value. Happiness is fragile. Appreciate every moment and do everything you can to protect it. The rest of life, in a sense, is background noise.”

Harlan Coben
Missing You

“She started playing what-if, wondering what would happen if her father suddenly materialized in the seat next to her, if she told him that she knew everything and that he had been given a second chance, what would her father do? Death was probably a great educator.”

Harlan Coben
Missing You

“The truth may be better than lies… But it doesn’t always set you free.”

Harlan Coben
Missing You

“Watch out for people who belong in your past. Don’t let ’em back in your life.”

Harlan Coben
Missing You

“We all want to convince ourselves that it is about hard work and education and perseverance, but the truth is, life is much more about the fickle and the random. We don’t want to admit it, but we are controlled by luck, by timing, by fate.”

Harlan Coben
Missing You

“We know that everything in our lives is complex and gray. Yet we somehow expect our relationships to never be anything but simple and pure.”

Harlan Coben
Missing You

“When she stripped it down, when she dismissed her not-so-subconscious prejudice—she was, after all, from the neighborhood too—maybe Kat could be grateful for that.”

Harlan Coben
Missing You

“When you’re young, you think you have all the answers. You’re right wing or you’re left wing and the other side is a bunch of idiots. You know. When you get a little older, though, you start to more and more see the grays. Now I understand that true idiots are the ones who are certain they have the answers. It is never that simple. Do you know what I mean?”

Harlan Coben
Missing You

“You learn a lot about relationships when your job, in some ways, is to break them up. But the truth is, almost every relationship has breaking points. Every relationship has fissures and cracks. That doesn’t mean it’s meaningless or bad or even wrong. We know that everything in our lives is complex and gray. Yet we somehow expect our relationships to never be anything but simple and pure.”

Harlan Coben
Missing You

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Missing You Quotes

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