Oryx and Crake Quotes | Margaret Atwood | Scribble Whatever

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Oryx and Crake Quotes
Oryx and Crake
Margaret Atwood (Author of Oryx and Crake)

“After everything that’s happened, how can the world still be so beautiful? Because it is.” (Oryx and Crake Quotes)

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake
Oryx and Crake Quotes

“And he couldn’t stand to be nothing, to know himself to be nothing. He needs to be listened to, he needs to be heard. He needs at least the illusion of being understood.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“By the time he got around to meaning it, the words had sounded fraudulent to him and he’d been afraid to pronounce them.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“Can a single ant be said to be alive, in any meaningful sense of the word, or does it only have relevance in terms of its anthill?”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“Every child should have love, every person should have it. She herself would rather have had her mother’s love – the love she still continued to believe in, the love that had followed her through the jungle in the form of a bird so she would not be too frightened or lonely.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“First the leaders and the led, then the tyrants and the slaves, then the massacres. That’s how it’s always gone.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“He doesn’t know which is worse, a past he can’t regain or a present that will destroy him if he looks at it too clearly. Then there’s the future. Sheer vertigo.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“He’d developed a strangely tender feeling towards such words, as if they were children abandoned in the woods and it was his duty to rescue them.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“If he wants to be an asshole, it’s a free country. Millions before him have made the same life choice.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“I’ll make you mine, lovers said in old books. They never said, I’ll make you me.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“It is the strict adherence to daily routine that tends towards the maintenance of good morale and the preservation of sanity,” he says out loud.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“It was a question now, rather than a statement; a question with no answer.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“Jimmy had been full of himself back then, thinks Snowman with indulgence and a little envy. He’d been unhappy too, of course. It went without saying, his unhappiness. He’d put a lot of energy into it.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“More often than not, she acted as if she wanted to protect him, from the image of herself in the past. She liked to keep only the bright side of herself turned towards him. She liked to shine.” (Oryx and Crake Quotes)

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“Nature is to zoos as God is to churches.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“Sex is like a drink, it’s bad to start brooding about it too early in the day.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“She had no images of this love. She could offer no anecdotes. It was a belief rather than a memory.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“She liked to keep only the bright side of herself turned towards him. She liked to shine.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“So Crake never remembered his dreams. It’s Snowman that remembers them instead. Worse than remembers: he’s immersed in them, he’d wading through them, he’s stuck in them. Every moment he’s lived in the past few months was dreamed first by Crake. No wonder Crake screamed so much.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“So many crucial events take place behind people’s backs, when they aren’t in a position to watch: birth and death, for instance.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake
Oryx and Crake Quotes

“So this was the rest of his life. It felt like a party to which he’d been invited, but at an address he couldn’t actually locate. Someone must be having fun at it, this life of his; only, right at the moment, it wasn’t him.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“The memos that came from above telling him he’d done a good job meant nothing to him because they’d been dictated by semi-literates; all they proved was that no one at AnooYou was capable of appreciating how clever he had been. He came to understand why serial killers sent helpful clues to the police.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“The proper study of Mankind is Everything.” 

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“The prospect of his future life stretched before him like a sentence; not a prison sentence, but a long-winded sentence with a lot of unnecessary subordinate clauses”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“There’s something to be said for hunger: at least it lets you know you’re still alive.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“These things sneak up on him for no reason, these flashes of irrational happiness. It’s probably a vitamin deficiency.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“They spent the first three years of school getting you to pretend stuff and then the rest of it marking you down if you did the same thing.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“We should think only beautiful things, as much as we can. There is so much beautiful in the world if you look around. You are only looking at the dirt under your feet, Jimmy. It’s not good for you.” (Oryx and Crake Quotes)

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“We understand more than we know.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“What he really wanted was revenge. But against whom, and for what? Even if he had the energy for it, even if he could focus and aim, such a thing would be less than useless.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

“When they’re gone out of his head, these words, they’ll be gone, everywhere, forever. As if they had never been.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake
Oryx and Crake Quotes

“You could tell a lot about a person from their fridge magnets, not that he’d thought much about them at the time.”

Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake

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Oryx and Crake Quotes

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