Piranesi Quotes | Susanna Clarke | Scribble Whatever

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Piranesi Quotes
Susanna Clarke (Author of Piranesi)

“As a scientist and an explorer I have a duty to bear witness to the Splendours of the World.” (Piranesi Quotes)

Susanna Clarke

“I am determined to explore as much of the World as I can in my lifetime.”

Susanna Clarke

“I can see it is in the nature of men to prefer one thing to another, to find one thing more meaningful than another.”

Susanna Clarke

 “I realised that the search for the Knowledge has encouraged us to think of the House as if it were a sort of riddle to be unravelled, a text to be interpreted, and that if ever we discover the Knowledge, then it will be as if the Value has been wrested from the House and all that remains will be mere scenery.”

Susanna Clarke

“I write down what I observe in my notebooks. I do this for two reasons. The first is that Writing inculcates habits of precision and carefulness. The second is to preserve whatever knowledge I possess.”

Susanna Clarke

“In my mind are all the tides, their seasons, their ebbs and their flows. In my mind are all the halls, the endless procession of them, the intricate pathways. When this world becomes too much for me, when I grow tired of the noise and the dirt and the people, I close my eyes and I name a particular vestibule to myself; then I name a hall.”

Susanna Clarke

“It has occurred to me that there may be more wisdom in birds than appears at first sight, a wisdom that reveals itself only obliquely and intermittently.”

Susanna Clarke

“It was no good bewailing the Past; what was needed now was to plan for the Future.”

Susanna Clarke

“May your Paths be safe, you’re Floors unbroken and may the House fill your eyes with Beauty.”

Susanna Clarke

“My contemporaries did not understand this. They were all enamoured with the idea of progress and believed that whatever was new must be superior to what was old. As if merit was a function of chronology!”

Susanna Clarke

“My last thought before I fell asleep was: He is dead. My only friend. My only enemy.”

Susanna Clarke

“Not everything about the Wind was bad. Sometimes it blew through the little voids and crevices of the Statues and caused them to sing and whistle in surprising ways; I had never known the Statues to have voices before and it made me laugh for sheer delight.”

Susanna Clarke

“Once, men and women were able to turn themselves into eagles and fly immense distances. They communed with rivers and mountains and received wisdom from them. They felt the turning of the stars inside their own minds.” (Piranesi Quotes)

Susanna Clarke

“Perhaps even people you like and admire immensely can make you see the World in ways you would rather not.”

Susanna Clarke

“Perhaps that is what it is like being with other people. Perhaps even people you like and admire immensely can make you see the World in ways you would rather not. Perhaps that is what Raphael means.”

Susanna Clarke

 “The Beauty of the House is immeasurable; its Kindness infinite.”

Susanna Clarke

 “The House is valuable because it is the House. It is enough in and of Itself. It is not the means to an end.”

Susanna Clarke

“The idea that the Ancients had a different way of relating to the world, that they experienced it as something that interacted with them. When they observed the world, the world observed them back.”

Susanna Clarke

“The way the ancient perceived the world was the way the world truly was. This gave them extraordinary influence and power. Reality was not only capable of taking part in a dialogue – intellegible and articulate – it was also persuadable.”

Susanna Clarke

“The World feels Complete and Whole, and I, its Child, fit into it seamlessly. Nowhere is there any disjuncture where I ought to remember something but do not, where I ought to understand something but do not.”

Susanna Clarke

“The World feels complete and whole, and I, its Child, fit into it seamlessly.”

Susanna Clarke

“This experience led me to form a hypothesis: perhaps the wisdom of birds resides, not in the individual, but in the flock, the congregation.”

Susanna Clarke

“Two memories. Two bright minds which remember past events differently. It is an awkward situation. There exists no third person to say which of us is correct.”

Susanna Clarke

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