Queen of Air and Darkness Quotes | Cassandra Clare | SW

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Queen of Air and Darkness Quotes
Queen of Air and Darkness
cassandra clare
Cassandra Clare (Author of Queen of Air and Darkness)

“As long as you exist and I exist, I will love you.” (Queen of Air and Darkness Quotes)

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness
Queen of Air and Darkness Quotes

“As we all have an infinite capacity to make mistakes, we all have an infinite capacity for forgiveness.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“At the edge of everything, love and faith have always brought me back, and back to you.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“But even if they fit differently now, they still fit like sisters.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“Every choice has a long afterlife of consequences. No one can know the eventual outcome of any decision. All you can do is making the best choice you can make in the moment.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“Faith isn’t never having any doubts; it’s having what you need to overcome them.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“Grief can be so bad you can’t breathe, but that’s what it means to be human. We lose, we suffer, but we have to keep breathing.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“Grief could be like a wolf tearing your insides, and you would do anything to make it stop.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“I still love Emma more than I ever thought was possible. I love her more every day, and more every time I try to stop. I love her like I’m being ripped in half.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“It does no one any good to look backward for too long and forget that the future lies ahead.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“Making promises you can’t keep is worse than making no promises at all.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“Now she felt a restlessness that went beyond that; the old hopes felt too confining, as if they were a dress she had outgrown. Perhaps you outgrew your dreams, too, as your world expanded.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“People were made up of all sorts of different bits, Dru thought. Funny bits and romantic bits and selfish bits and brave bits. Sometimes you saw only a few of them. Maybe it was when you saw them all that you realised you knew someone really well.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“Shadowhunters are slow to love but once we love, we love forever.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“She knew he couldn’t love her, but in that moment it felt as if he did.” (Queen of Air and Darkness Quotes)

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“Some lights were never meant to burn for long.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“Sometimes the bravest thing we can do is confront our own failings.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“Sometimes when you start a war, you want to make pancakes.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“Sometimes you have to let people blame you. When the only other option is letting bad things happen, it doesn’t matter what people think.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness
Queen of Air and Darkness Quotes

“Sometimes you need to guard people against the things they want, as well as the things they fear.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“Sympathy is common. Knowing the exact shape of the hole someone’s loss leaves in your heart is rare.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“The sky was a road and the stars made pathways; the moon was a watchtower, a lighthouse that led you home.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“The story that I love you, it has no end.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“This is the nature of having of a soul, Kieran, and a heart. We all stumble around in the dark and we cause each other pain and we try to make up for it the best we can. We are all confused.” (Queen of Air and Darkness Quotes)

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“Ty reached out and brushed Kit’s hair away from his face, an absent sort of gesture that sent a shot of something through Kit, a feeling like he’d touched a live electrical fence.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“We cannot understand life, and therefore we cannot hope to understand death”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“What is a book? Is it the binding, the ink, the pages, or the sum of the words contained?”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“You cannot destroy destruction itself any more than you can cure poison with poison.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“You never thought for a second about it diminishing you to have a girl as your warrior partner, you never acted as if I was anything less than your complete equal. You never for a moment made me feel like I had to be weak for you to be strong.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

“You’re the only person I’ve ever loved like this, and I know you’re the only person I ever will. And I’m not myself without you, Emma. Once you dissolve dye in water, you can’t take it back out. It’s like that. I can’t take you out of me. It means cutting out my heart, and I don’t like myself without my heart, I know that now.”

Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness

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