Shadowhunters and Downworlders Quotes | Cassandra Clare | SW

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Shadowhunters and Downworlders Quotes
Shadowhunters and Downworlders
cassandra clare
Cassandra Clare (Author of Shadowhunters and Downworlders)

“A fighter is someone who fights- with everything and anything she has at her disposal.” (Shadowhunters and Downworlders Quotes)

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

“Art is magic, and art is powerful. Art saves lives- I really believe that. It gives us courage and compassion we might not have on our own.”

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

“But if home suddenly becomes not like home, what then?”

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

“Cities have the capability to at any moment shift out of the familiar, even if you’ve lived in one all your life.”

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

“Even places you know well can take on a touch of the unknown when you arrive there from a different direction.”

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

“I always assume people are hiding parts of themselves from each other. People do that.”

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

“I started grasping at moments that weren’t misery. Slowly, slowly, I found them.”

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

“If you’ve been reading the Mortal Instruments for any length of time, you know that only two things are certain: Dead doesn’t necessarily mean dead, and you never know whose blood is going to wind up running through your veins.”

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

“In a city, with all of its enclaves and boundaries, both real and imagined, it is impossible not to feel the presence of those who are not like you and impossible not to feel like an outsider.”

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

“It’s significantly more satisfying to kick a wall than it is to kick thin air. For the rebellious teen- or the teen who wants to feel like a rebel- a clearly defined law gives you something to define yourself against.”

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

“No matter how terrifying, they need to decide that the only rules that matter are the ones they write themselves.” (Shadowhunters and Downworlders Quotes)

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

“Not every girl can be Isabelle Lightwood or Katniss Everdeen. I think the true measure of a hero is what a person does with what they have, how hard they are willing to fight, and how far they are willing to go to set things right.”

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

“Places, like people, are complex, and loving them isn’t simple.”

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

“Popularity gives you power only over people who care about being popular. Ostracism gives you power only over those who fear being ostracized.”

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

“See, Jace never learned how to flirt properly, because he was raised by a murderous sociopath.”

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

“The beauty of fantasy is that it allows the protagonist to pass through fear to come to know this different reality and to find a place in it.”

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

“The only thing more dangerous than a willingness to ignore the Law is an ability to change it.”

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

“There are a few things that even sarcasm can’t protect you from.”

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

“There are more hidden spaces in a city, more hidden lives and hidden emptinesses, and more darkened windows where shadow people pass fleetingly in and out of sight.”

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

“We live vicariously through stories, because our own lives provide so few opportunities for high-stakes adventure and noble sacrifice.”

Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters and Downworlders

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