Soul of the Fire Quotes | Terry Goodkind | Scribble Whatever

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Soul of the Fire Quotes
Soul of the Fire
Terry Goodkind (Author of Soul of the Fire)

“A wise woman told me that the people are the willing accomplices of tyranny. They make those like you possible.” (Soul of the Fire Quotes)

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire
Soul of the Fire Quotes

“Back to sleep, my babies,” she said in a soothing voice. “Pa just went to the privy. I’m only taking him a light to see his way back. You know how your pa stumbles his toes in the night and then curses us for it. Back to sleep, the both of you. Everything is all right. Just takin’ your pa a lamp.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“But this was no ordinary chicken. This chicken was evil manifest.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“Dalton tugged at his clothes, straightening them. “Is that so?” “But the female will cheat on the male. Sometimes, while he is out collecting twigs for their nest, she will let another male take her.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“Deception to a noble end, though regrettable, was sometimes necessary for a greater good. Lying for selfish reasons was the fertile dirt of immorality, from which sprouted the tendrils of evil.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“Few people understood the weapon that was a properly fashioned twist of information.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“I’m going to do the worst possible thing I could do to you and your people—what my grandfather would have done to you. “I’m going to leave you all to suffer the consequences of your own actions.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“I’d rather look a fool than be right and fail to act.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“If we timidly submit to tyranny, we will never have the chance to test our wings.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“If you brought harm, no matter the reason, you had to set it right as best you could.” (Soul of the Fire Quotes)

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“It didn’t matter how hard you could swing a sword, if you couldn’t hit anything.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“It doesn’t require an education, Sergeant Beata, to see what’s right before your eyes. Use your head.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“It wasn’t that cold–she’d thought to let the embers do for the night–but she felt the sudden need for the comfort of a fire, the assurance of its light.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“It’s easier to feel shame if those guilty are centuries dead, especially when such discrediting, by default, confers upon yourself a higher moral standard without having to stand the test in the true environment of the time.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“Leadership is a nurturing of those under your command.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“Like hounds at a feast, people gather round the table of tyranny, eager for tasty scraps tossed on the floor. Not everyone will wag their tail for a tyrant, but most will, if he first makes them salivate with hate and gives license to their covetous impulses by making them feel it is only their due. Many would rather take than earn.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“Magic intensifies and concentrates passions, strengthening not only joy, but ruinous passions as well, and in this way they may become obsessions, and unbearable unless released. -Joseph Anders”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“Not everyone will wag their tail for a tyrant, but most will, if he first makes them salivate with hate and gives license to their covetous impulses by making them feel it is only their due. Many would rather take than earn.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“Only when all must bow to the same law is every person free.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“People whose magic could affect others in an overt manner didn’t need to bite, he imagined, nor would they allow themselves to be held captive”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“Perception was easily accomplished, required little effort, and it never had to stand the test of reality.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire
Soul of the Fire Quotes

“Slaves, slaves to anything or anyone, despite how much they abhor it, will often cling to that slavery out of fear the alternative would be insufferable.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“Some truths, after a certain point, could be felt viscerally, and at that point everything clicked with the finality of a dead bolt on a prison of truth.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“That is the curse of lying, Sister. Once you place that crown of the liar upon your head, you can take it off again, but it leaves a stain for all time.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“The bird cawed. The loud cry echoed off the mountains. The raven swooped down before them again, narrowly missing Richard’s head. Gaining height, the bird circled. The air whistled through its feathers as it dove at them, driving them back from the water. “Is that bird crazy?” Kahlan asked. “Maybe it’s protecting a nest? Or do all ravens behave like that?”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“The foundations of some formerly strong lands became so riddled with termites of diminished purpose, so decayed with the decadence of smug moderation, and so emaciated with the vacillating aims of appears, that even when they saw the enemy coming and did resist, they were easily toppled when the Imperial Order finally pushed.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“The room, rather than breaking into whispering, as Dalton expected, fell into a stunned, dead silence. Dalton then realized, for the first time, really, that he had been born and lived his entire life under the reign of the old Sovereign. An era had ended. Many in the room had to be thinking the same thing.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“There is no place as dangerous as a world without magic.” (Soul of the Fire Quotes)

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“This is how tyrants win the will of the people: with lies.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“This was why he couldn’t let Richard know it was the chimes themselves that were loose. Richard would not have accepted what Zedd intended, what Zedd knew he must do.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“Though he and Chandalen came from very different peoples, with very different cultures, Richard had grown up by many of the same standards. Perhaps, he thought, they weren’t really that different. Maybe they wore different clothes, but they had much the same heart, the same longings, and the same desires. They shared, too, many of the same fears.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“Though it hadn’t been in his mind, and even though he would not entertain such an offer, he was nevertheless disappointed to find she thought the idea repulsive.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire
Soul of the Fire Quotes

“To those who would dominate you, knowledge must be crushed, because people who understand are people who will stand against the unfairness of the elite.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“Truth didn’t wear a tongue smooth; lies did.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“What is commonly thought luck is often merely the result of incessant practice.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“When you insist someone submit to your will, it is accomplished most easily if you give them a small victory so they can retain their dignity while they do as you insist. ~ Kahlan Mother Confessor”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“While it was understandable to be afraid, and no one would expect you not to be, the worst thing you could do was to run from the trouble you had caused. No matter how accidental it was, you didn’t try to deny it. You didn’t run. You did what you must to right it.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“Who knows, perhaps she will think better of such hateful accusations. Perhaps someone will talk some sense into her before it becomes necessary to protect the Minister from her wrongful charges. Perhaps she will even decide that butchering work is not for her, and she will go off to work on a farm, or something.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

“Wizard’s Fifth Rule: Mind what people do, not only what they say, for deeds will betray a lie.”

Terry Goodkind
Soul of the Fire

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