Stone Mattress Quotes | Margaret Atwood | Scribble Whatever

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Stone Mattress Quotes
Stone Mattress
Margaret Atwood (Author of Stone Mattress)

“According to Tobias, women hang around longer because they’re less capable of indignation and better at being humiliated, for what is old age but one long string of indignities? What person of integrity would put up with it?” (Stone Mattress Quotes)

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

“But how can you have a sense of wonder if you’re prepared for everything?”

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

“By contrast, no one in Alphinland ever demanded a blowjob. But then, no one in Alphinland had a toilet either. Toilets weren’t necessary. Why waste time on that kind of routine bodily function when there were giant scorpions invading the castle?”

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

“Everyone likes to think they are doing good while at the same time pocketing a bag of cash”

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

“Experiences were what you got when you couldn’t get what you wanted.”

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

“From this distance it does resemble fun. Fun is not knowing how it will end.”

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

“How strange to remember typewriters, with their jammed keys and snarled ribbons and the smudgy carbon paper for copies.”

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

“In the midst of such rigorous and demanding splendor, who will remember Bob?”

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

“It’s a lifelong failing: she has never been prepared. But how can you have a sense of wonder if you’re prepared for everything? Prepared for the sunset. Prepared for the moonrise. Prepared for the ice storm. What a flat existence that would be.”

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

“It’s wonderful to hear his voice, even if she can’t depend on having any sort of a conversation with him. His interventions tend to be one-sided: if she answers him, he doesn’t often answer back. But it was always more or less like that between them.”

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

 “Lighting a fire is an act of renewal, of beginning, and she doesn’t want to begin, she wants to continue. No: she wants to go back.”

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

“Money does talk, but it has a limited vocabulary.” 

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

“Running them down doesn’t make you any bigger, you know.” 

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

“She breathes in the cold air; pellets of blown ice whip against her face. The wind’s getting up, as the TV said it would. Nonetheless there’s something brisk about being out in the storm, something energizing: it whisks away the cobwebs, it makes you inhale.” (Stone Mattress Quotes)

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

“She’s not extravagant or greedy, she tells herself: all she ever wanted was to be protected by layer upon layer of kind, soft, insulating money, so that nobody and nothing could get close enough to harm her.”

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

“The beauty is an illusion, and also a warning: there’s a dark side to beauty, as with poisonous butterflies.”

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

“The freezing rain sifts down, handfuls of shining rice thrown by some unseen celebrant. Wherever it hits, it crystallizes into a granulated coating of ice.”

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

“There’s only so long you can feel sorry for a person before you come to feel that their affliction is an act of malice committed by them against you.”

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

“When demons are required someone will always be found to supply the part, and whether you step forward or are pushed is all the same in the end.”

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

“When it came to love, wasn’t believing the same as the real thing?”

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

“You believed you could transcend the body as you aged, she tells herself. You believed you could rise above it, to a serene, nonphysical realm. But it’s only through ecstasy you can do that, and ecstasy is achieved through the body itself. Without the bone and sinew of wings, no flight. Without that ecstasy you can only be dragged further down by the body, into its machinery. Its rusting, creaking, vengeful, brute machinery.”

Margaret Atwood
Stone Mattress

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