The First Confessor Quotes | Terry Goodkind | Scribble Whatever

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The First Confessor Quotes
The First Confessor
Terry Goodkind (Author of The First Confessor)

“A Grace connected creating the World of life, and the world of the dead in pathways of magic.” (The First Confessor Quotes)

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“A single gleaming sword sat in the middle on a raised portion of the red velvet. Magda noticed an ornate gold and silver scabbard attached to a baldric lying on the floor. The scabbard was so striking that it could only belong with the sword.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“Anger is a shield for the power of the sword’s magic, so that helped.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“As it turns out, that persistence is a requirement. Thus, he would tell me, you need the dark to show the light, so you shouldn’t curse darkness. You needed death to define life.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“At their root, the key and the Confessor both authenticate the truth. The Confessor’s power would force the subject to reveal the truth, while all of the coded alignments of the key involve proofing it against reality. Reality is truth. Therefore, both the Confessor and the key need the same formulas to initiate their ultimate function.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“But in the end, we can’t live our lives by ‘what if’ and ‘if only.’ We can only do the best we can to the best of our ability based on what we know. That’s why the truth is so important.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“But the truth can seem awfully small and insignificant when compared to a mountain of lies.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“But who I was, who you loved, no longer exists. I have passed on. In your world, only my memory can exist. Your loyalty to me because of that memory is a part of life, but it can become disloyalty to yourself if you hold it so closely that it crowds out the rest of life.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“Create a better idea of what the key should be. One that makes more sense to people, so that they believe in the diversion we create.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“Cut the attacker down, to cut them down to their very soul”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“Death, though, was part of life. There could not be life without death always shadowing it.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“Emotion did not play a part in truth, only reality did.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“Fear triggers need, need powers sincerity. Sincerity is the required element.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“He had sometimes looked into her eyes and whispered to himself how bewitching she was, as if she weren’t there hearing him, as if he were all alone looking upon some exceptional specimen rather than his wife.” (The First Confessor Quotes)

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“He’d often said that keeping things to himself was a matter of survival. Barracus had often told her that if she was doing something important she shouldn’t tell people anything they didn’t need to know. He lived his life by that rule. In fact, he often wouldn’t tell Magda about things he thought she didn’t need to know. Like why he killed himself.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“History, like memories themselves, tended to become distorted with the passing of time, or worse, corrupted with the agendas of those writing it.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“I know, Magda, your heart, and your loyalty to your love for me. But don’t let that be the end of your ability to love. That love wouldn’t harm me, or diminish me, or change what we had. It can only add to you and who you are. You need to embrace the reality of what is, not what was.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“If we are to survive, we need magic now more than ever to defend ourselves from those in the Old World. We need to learn, discover, create. We need to use our reasoning minds and truth.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“It was a refined sort of bottled fury that had the potential to be devastatingly violent, and yet at the same time he was also a man able to control it.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“It’s true that this is not a book you stick on a shelf. This is a story you will instead always carry in your heart.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“Killing is a terrible thing, too. I hate killing. But killing isn’t necessarily wrong.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“Life connects us all to magic, as illustrated through the design of the Grace. So, for a Confessor, I don’t need a gifted person, just a living one.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“Life is not about fulfilling a destiny. Your life has no destiny but what you make of it. And this is what I want to make of it. Barracus also told me to live the life that only I can live. He told me to have the courage to take up that calling. He was asking me to choose my destiny. Prophecy is not only about destiny, but the balance of free will. Becoming a Confessor is my calling. But it’s not pre-ordained. It’s a chance, a fork in the road of my life. I have to have the courage to take it on of my free will. In that way, the balance of prophecy and free will is the magic of the future.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“Of all the people who came before us, Magda, you were the only one who represented truth. I want you to know that. – Councilman Sadler”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

 “Safety is only an illusion when evil is on the hunt. I can’t stand by and watch. I have to act. It isn’t easy to absolve one’s self of guilt.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“Standing for truth is everything. Truth is power. Don’t ever forget that.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“Surprise is sometimes the best advantage a warrior can have.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“That is what we believe in and what we are fighting for. The right to the joy of life. The right to our own life. The right to love.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“That smile might have been on his lips, but it was not in his eyes.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“The best we can to the best of our ability based on what we know. That’s why the truth is so important. Evil abhors those with the ability.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“The Grace represents the interconnection of everything, the world of life and the world of the dead, Additive and Subtractive, as well as the spark of the gift that runs though it all. The Grace does more though, than simply represent Additive and Subtractive magic, Creation and obliteration, life and death, it connects them into a cohesive whole. The power of Orden deals with life, death and the whole nature of existence so the key also needs to have both sides. It needs both Additive and Subtractive, life and death to be complete.” (The First Confessor Quotes)

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“The power needs truth to work. Truth is reality, the laws of nature. They’re inseparable. That relationship is represented by the word woven into the hilt. That makes this sword meant to serve more than just the power. It is also meant to serve the truth. This is the Sword of Truth.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“The reason, as I had learned from my father, is that there is no certainty in death. Because there is no beginning or end, there is no way to measure how long your time.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“The truth can seem awfully small and insignificant when compared to a mountain of lies.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“This was the threshold to the place of the dead.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“Though she was ungifted, she could clearly feel the power of the magic the sword now possessed. It was power unlike anything she ever imagined. It churned the way the storm had. It held more power than the storm had. It was fury and rage and love and life all folded together over and over, blending them into the finest layers of something new, something remarkable. This was now a weapon unlike any other, more than any other.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“Thunder without sound jolted the air around her. The violence of it was magnificent, immaculate, glorious.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“To love another, you must first love yourself. Love yourself, Magda, so you can love him. Love yourself enough to let your memories of me ease away from closing your heart. Love yourself enough to know that you deserve happiness.” – Barracus”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“War Wizards don’t give up. They find a way around any obstacle, even if that way results in their own death. He called the way of the wizard the dance with death.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“We can’t live our lives according to what might have been. We have to live by what is.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“When you hear the word ‘tyranny of magic’ as we heard from Elder Caldell, you will know that it is the calling card of killers. Don’t be fooled by their platitudes that is for the common good. Their real power is to strip us of our abilities so that they may easily conquer and rule us.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“Without delay, Tilly entered the ninth opening, a number that she knew from Baraccus had great meaning on things having to do with magic.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

“Your forces will try to use shields, but I can tell you from experience that shields don’t work. Shields key off life. They have nothing to latch on to with the dead.”

Terry Goodkind
The First Confessor

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