The Forgotten Garden Quotes | Kate Morton | Scribble Whatever

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The Forgotten Garden Quotes
The Forgotten Garden
Kate Morton (Author of The Forgotten Garden)

“A brisk wind wove through the bushes, twirling the leaves so that their pale undersides fluttered towards the sun. Like children thrust suddenly into the spotlight, flitting between nerves and self-importance.” (The Forgotten Garden Quotes)

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden
The Forgotten Garden Quotes

“A girl expecting rescue never learns to save herself. Even with the means, she will find her courage wanting.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

 “A way of looking at you that told you she was listening, that she understood all you were saying, and all you weren’t.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“All these people, the stars of lives unfolding quite outside the sphere in which Cassandra’s own life took place.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“Always remember, with a strong enough will, even the weak can wield great power.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“An expression of infinite wisdom, as if, in those first days of life, the small person retained the knowledge of a lifetime just passed.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“And finally it seemed autumn had realized it was September. The last lingering days of summer had been pushed off stage and in the hidden garden long shadows stretched towards winter. The ground was littered with spent leaves, orange and pale green, and chestnuts on spiky coats sat proudly on the fingertips of cold branches.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“Because desperate people cling to hope like sailors to their wreaks.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“Even the most pragmatic person fell victim at times to a longing for something other.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“Fairy tales have a habit of ending too soon. They never show what happens afterwards when the prince and princess ride off the page.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“Had any poet adequately described the wretched ugliness of a loved one turned inside out with grief?”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“His words had tossed the book that was her life into the air and the pages had been blown into disarray, could never be put back together to tell the same story.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“It didn’t occur to him that she might have chosen to remain this way. That where he saw reserve and loneliness, Cassandra saw self-preservation and the knowledge that it was safer when one had less to lose.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“It matters not, for she did not need her eyes to tell her who she was. She knew it by your love for her.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“It was such a pleasure to sink one’s hands into the warm earth, to feel at one’s fingertips the possibilities of the new season.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“Memory is a cruel mistress with whom we all must learn to dance.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“Mother didn’t understand that children aren’t frightened by stories; that their lives are full of far more frightening things than those contained in fairy tales.” (The Forgotten Garden Quotes)

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“She did as she felt, and she felt a great deal.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“She’d slept terribly the night before. The room, the bed, were both comfortable enough, but she’d been plagued with strange dreams, the sort that lingered upon waking but slithered away from memory as she tried to grasp them. Only the tendrils of discomfort remained.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“That was the nature of history, of course, notional, partial, unknowable, a record made by the victors.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden
The Forgotten Garden Quotes

“That, my dear, is what makes a character interesting, their secrets.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“The happiest folk are those that are busy, for their minds are starved of time to seek out woe.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“The world was an awfully large place and it wasn’t easy to find a person who’d gone missing sixty years earlier, even if that person was oneself.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“Thinking of nothing. Trying to think of nothing. Thinking of everything.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“To discover early that behind the black marks on white pages lurk worlds of incomparable terror, joy and excitement is one of life’s great gifts.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“To hear years of one’s life, one’s passion, described so casually, relegated so absolutely to the past, was breathtaking.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“We’re all unique, just never in the ways we imagine.” 

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

“You make a life out of what you have, not what you’re missing.”  

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden
The Forgotten Garden Quotes

“You must learn to know the difference between tales and the truth, my Liza, she would say. Fairy tales have a habit of ending too soon. They never show what happens afterwards when the prince and princess ride off the page.”

Kate Morton
The Forgotten Garden

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The Forgotten Garden Quotes

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