The Giver Quotes | Lois Lowry

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The Giver
 Lois Lowry (Author of The Giver)

A book, to me, is almost sacrosanct: such an individual and private thing. The reader brings his or her own history and beliefs and concerns, and reads in solitude, creating each scene from his own imagination as he does. There is no fellow ticket-holder in the next seat. (The Giver Quotes)

Lois Lowry
The Giver Quotes

But there was nothing left to do but continue.

Lois Lowry

Even trained for years as they all had been in precision of language, what words could you use which would give another the experience of sunshine?

Lois Lowry

For the first time, he heard something that he knew to be music. He heard people singing. Behind him, across vast distances of space and time, from the place he had left, he thought he heard music too. But perhaps, it was only an echo.

Lois Lowry

He knew that there was no quick comfort for emotions like those. They were deeper and they did not need to be told. They were felt.

Lois Lowry

I don’t know what you mean when you say ‘the whole world’ or ‘generations before him. thought there was only us. I thought there was only now.

Lois Lowry

I feel sorry for anyone who is in a place where he feels strange and stupid.

Lois Lowry

I knew that there had been times in the past-terrible times-when people had destroyed others in haste, in fear, and had brought about their own destruction

Lois Lowry

If everything’s the same, then there aren’t any choices!

Lois Lowry
The Giver Quotes

If you were to be lost in the river, your memories would not be lost with you. Memories are forever.

Lois Lowry

I’m going to give you the memory of a rainbow.

Lois Lowry

It’s just that… without the memories it’s all meaningless.

Lois Lowry

It’s the choosing that’s important, isn’t it?

Lois Lowry
The Giver Quotes

Of course they needed to care. It was the meaning of everything.

Lois Lowry

The community of the Giver had achieved at such great price. A community without danger or pain. But also, a community without music, color or art. And books.

Lois Lowry

The life where nothing was ever unexpected. Or inconvenient. Or unusual. The life without colour, pain or past.

Lois Lowry

The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It’s the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.

Lois Lowry

There was never any comfortable way to mention or discuss one’s successes without breaking the rule against bragging, even if one didn’t mean to.

Lois Lowry

They were satisfied with their lives which had none of the vibrance his own was taking on. And he was angry at himself, that he could not change that for them.

Lois Lowry

We gained control of many things. But we had to let go of others.

Lois Lowry

When people have the freedom to choose, they choose wrong, every single time.

Lois Lowry

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