The Humans Quotes | Matt Haig | Scribble Whatever

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The Humans Quotes
The Humans
Matt Haig (Author of The Humans)

“A cow is a cow even if you call it beef.” (The Humans Quotes)

Matt Haig
The Humans
The Humans Quotes

“Another strange thing was how absence had intensified my feelings for her. How I craved the sweet everyday reality of just being with her, of having a mundane conversation about how our days had been. The gentle but unbettered comfort of coexistence. I couldn’t think of a better purpose for the universe than for her to be in it.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“Because the possibility of pain is where love stems from.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“By thinking of the cloud, I thirsted for the raindrop.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“Dogs are geniuses of loyalty. And that is a good kind of genius to have.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“Don’t ever be afraid of telling someone you love them. There are things wrong with your world, but an excess of love is not one.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“Everyone is a comedy. If people are laughing at you, they just don’t quite understand the joke that is themselves.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“Everything in human life was a test. That was why they all looked so stressed out.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“Humans, as a rule, don’t like mad people unless they are good at painting, and only then once they are dead. But the definition of mad, on Earth, seems to be very unclear and inconsistent. What is perfectly sane in one era turns out to be insane in another. The earliest humans walked around naked with no problem. Certain humans, in humid rainforests mainly, still do so. So, we must conclude that madness is sometimes a question of time, and sometimes of postcode. Basically, the key rule is, if you want to appear sane on Earth you have to be in the right place, wearing the right clothes, saying the right things, and only stepping on the right kind of grass.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“I didn’t go too far before I saw her. She was walking on the other side of the street and she didn’t see me. It was strange, the significance of that moment for me and the insignificance of it for her. But then I reminded myself that when galaxies collide, they pass right through.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“I felt the beautiful melancholy of being human, captured perfectly in the setting of a sun. Because, as with a sunset, to be human was to be in-between things; a day, bursting with desperate colour as it headed irreversibly towards night.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“I looked at the transparent yellow liquid in the glass. I tasted it and tasted fermentation. In other words I tasted life on Earth. For everything that lives here ferments, ages, becomes diseased. But as things made their decline from ripeness they could taste wonderful, I realised” (The Humans Quotes)

Matt Haig
The Humans

“I was drinking a cup of tea. I actually enjoyed tea. It was so much better than coffee. It tasted like comfort.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“If you have children and love one more than another, work at it. They will know, even if it’s by a single atom less. A single atom is all you need to make a very big explosion.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“If you think something is ugly, look harder. Ugliness is just a failure of seeing.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“In a thousand years, if humans survive that long, everything you know will have been disproved. And replaced by even bigger myths.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“It was, of course, another test. Everything in human life was a test. That was why they all looked so stressed out.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“Just because you can, it doesn’t mean you should. There is a power and a beauty in unproved conjectures, unkissed lips and unpicked flowers.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“Knowledge is finite. Wonder is infinite.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“Love was a way to live forever in a single moment, and it was also a way to see yourself as you had never actually seen yourself, and made you realise – having done so – that this view was a more meaningful one than any of your previous self-perceptions and self-deceptions.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“Make sure, as often as possible, you are doing something you’d be happy to die doing.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“New technology, on Earth, just means something you will laugh at in five years. Value the stuff you won’t laugh at in five years. Like love. Or a good poem. Or a song. Or the sky.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“No one is ever completely right about anything. Anywhere.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“No one will understand you. It is not, ultimately, that important. What is important is that you understand you.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“No two moralities match. Accept different shapes, so long as they aren’t sharp enough to hurt.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“Politeness is often fear. Kindness is always courage. But caring is what makes you human. Care more, become more human.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“Technology won’t save humankind. Humans will.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“The best way to think of the ageing process in relation to a human face is to imagine a map of an area of innocent land which slowly becomes a city with many long and winding routes.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“The first rule of marriage: solve the mystery, end the love.” (The Humans Quotes)

Matt Haig
The Humans

“The single biggest act of bravery or madness anyone can do is the act of change.”

Matt Haig
The Humans
The Humans Quotes

“The tea seemed to be making things better. It was a hot drink made of leaves, used in times of crisis as a means of restoring normality.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“There is only one genre in fiction, the genre is called book.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“This was, I realized, a beautiful planet. Maybe it was the most beautiful of all. But beauty creates its own troubles. You look at a waterfall or an ocean or a sunset, and you find yourself wanting to share it with someone.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“This was, I would later realise, a planet of things wrapped inside things. Food inside wrappers. Bodies inside clothes. Contempt inside smiles. Everything was hidden away.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“To experience beauty on Earth, you needed to experience pain and to know mortality. That is why so much that is beautiful on this planet has to do with time passing and the Earth turning. Which might also explain why to look at such natural beauty was to also feel sadness and a craving for a life unlived.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“Tragedy is just comedy that hasn’t come to fruition. One day we will laugh at this. We will laugh at everything.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

“You have the power to stop time. You do it by kissing. Or listening to music.”

Matt Haig
The Humans

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The Humans Quotes

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