The Lake House Quotes | Kate Morton | Scribble Whatever

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The Lake House Quotes
The Lake House
Kate Morton (Author of The Lake House)

“A person never forgets the landscape of their childhood.” (The Lake House Quotes)

Kate Morton
The Lake House
The Lake House Quotes

“A promise should never be made that one wasn’t prepared to keep.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“A tangle of star jasmine spilled across the path and Alice knelt to pluck a sprig, holding it beneath her nose and breathing in the scent of captured sunshine. On a whim, she unlaced her shoes. A delicate iron chair stood in a nook beside the camellia, and she sat, slipping her feet free and peeling off her socks, wiggling her toes in the surprise of the balmy air. A late butterfly hovered at a nearby rosebush, and Alice thought, as always, of her father.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“Boredom, as her mother had always told them, was a state to be pitied, the province of the witless.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“Comfort had a habit of breeding transgression.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“Dragonflies didn’t imagine they could sense the future; they just flew about, enjoying the sun on their wings.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“Even if she loathes it. To do so would be akin to denying the existence of an awkward child.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“Guilty characters might escape prosecution, but they never escaped justice.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“He was far more comfortable reading about the lives and ideas of others than describing his own.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“Her father had once said that the poor might suffer poverty, but the rich had to contend with uselessness, and there was nothing like idleness to eat away at a person’s soul.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“I dislike the word closure; the idea of a finite ending is all well and good in fiction, but a rather infantile expectation in this vast world of ours.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“It was electric, a spark of cosmic recognition, as if in that moment time’s weave had opened and they’d glimpsed an alternative existence in which they were something more than strangers on a train.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“It was just the same as spotting the scaffolding in other writers’ books. Awareness of construction didn’t diminish her pleasure, only added to it.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“It wasn’t so much the discovery of a single clue, as the coming together of many small details. That moment when the sun shifts by a degree and a spider’s web, previously concealed, begins to shine like fine-spun silver. Because suddenly Sadie could see how it all connected and she knew what had happened that night.” (The Lake House Quotes)

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“It’s not easy, getting old, feeling one’s relevance slip away.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“Life was like that, doors of possibility constantly opening and closing as one blindly made one’s way through.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“Life wasn’t a fairy tale and there were instances when one couldn’t have everything one wanted, not at the same time.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“Love keeps no record of wrongs.” 

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“May your past be a pleasant memory, your future filled with delight and mystery, Your now a glorious moment, That fills your life with deep contentment.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“Nature is cruel. Isn’t that right, Daddy? Every living thing has to die. And they’re still beautiful. Now they’ll stay that way.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“No matter how hard a person ran, no matter how fresh the start they gave themselves, the past had a way of reaching across the years to catch them.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House
The Lake House Quotes

“Sadie scanned the wild tangle of greenery surrounding them. Ferns were striving towards the light, spiraled stems uncoiling into fronds. The sweet scent of honeysuckle mingled with the earthiness of recent rain. Summer rain. She’d always loved that smell, even more so when Bertie told her it was caused by a type of bacteria. It proved that good things could come from bad if the right conditions were applied. Sadie had a vested interest in believing that was true.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“She had found there were very few genuinely dull people; the trick was to ask them the right questions.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“She wanted you to move forward without regrets, not to deny the past entirely.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“She’d forgotten love could be like that, simple and easy and joyous. The love she felt for Anthony had deepened over the decades, and it had changed; life had thrown the pair of them challenges and love had adapted to meet them. Love had come to mean putting someone else first, sacrificing, keeping the patched-up ship from sinking in the storms.” (The Lake House Quotes)

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“Sometimes ‘feelings’ aren’t as airy-fairy as they seem. Sometimes they’re just the product of observations we haven’t realized we’ve been making.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“The single static note amidst the swirl of activity was Grandmother deShiel, who sat small and hunched on the cast-iron garden seat outside the library, lost in her cobwebbed memories and completely oblivious to the round glass lanterns being strung up in the trees around her”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“There are limited ways to say the same thing over and over again, and I’m afraid it had become a rather tedious task.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“There was a strong but not unpleasant smell- moist earth, decomposing leaf matter, new flowers beginning to catch the day’s sun- and great fat bumblebees were busy already collecting pollen from a profusion of small pink and white blooms. Blackberries: Sadie surprised herself by dredging up the knowledge. They were blackberry flowers, and in a few months’ time the bushes would be heavy with fruit.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“We are all victims of our human experience,” Alice continued, “apt to view the present through the lens of our own past.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

“We do not always have a choice in where and how and whom, and love gives us the courage to withstand that which we never thought we could.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House
The Lake House Quotes

“You always presume there’s time ahead, until one day you realize there isn’t.”

Kate Morton
The Lake House

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The Lake House Quotes

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