miracle morning scribble whatever

The Miracle Morning | Hal Elrod | Book review | Summary


The Miracle Morning – The 6 habits that transform your life. Is a book of Hal Elrod. Hal Elrod is an American author, keynote speaker and success coach. The genre of this, is a self-help book. Are there such rules or habits that if you do it in the morning then your life will change. These miracles of morning are well described in this book. So let’s turn on again. (The miracle morning review)


How you start your morning determines how your day will be spent. How your entire day will be spent is determined by your good work in the morning. Hal Elrod has explained in detail about all these things. Let’s know about them. Life of Hal Elrod was being spent very well. At the age of 20, he had become top sales man of his company. Everything was going well, he was happy, his family was happy. All was going well.

One day when he was returning home after giving a speech, then his car accident happened on the road. He was hit by a speeding vehicle coming from the front. He had too many injuries. This was such a big accident that his bones were broken and his heart stopped beating for 6 minutes. He remained in coma for 6 days, when he woke up, the doctors said that he would never be able to walk again. After knowing this, he became very much shocked and sad.

You only have to have a negative feel for 5 minutes.

He had learned this from one of his mentors that any negative feelings that you cannot change should not be regretted for more than 5 minutes. You can do whatever you think you can do for 5 minutes. But not more than that. After that you have to start thinking about how to change that negative feeling to positive feeling. Thinking more about negative things will only make our life worse. It is better to proceed with good thinking. And hal did the same.

He accepted this and went out of his way to be happy. His wish was that I can have two ways here, either I can never walk or I may prove the doctors wrong. And if it happens that even if I do not walk, I will be the happiest person to walk on a wheel chair. Hal took care of this positive attitude and started recovering very soon. Doctors were also surprised to see this. And only after three weeks, he started walking after proving his doctors wrong.

Optimistic in attitude

With this positive feeling, he came back in his life. And everything was sort of back then. But after a few years, when the economic crisis took place, then all his business loss started coming. His house was mortgaged. Then his friend gave him an advice, that you only have to do two things. Wake up early in the morning and read books with self help. After considering this, he came to the point that he will not only do these two things but will do more.

After doing research on this, he came to the point that there are 6 such habits, all successful people do it. So hal thought of putting these habits together.

Hal has given it name to remember to such habits, which is called  S A V E R S.

So these 6 Habits are as follows.

Habit no. 1

S for silence

As soon as we get up, we start taking tension around the world. But successful people do not do this. they gets up in the morning and calm their mind before anything else. It is very important for you to keep your mind calm to make it work. This is what successful people do. They do yoga and meditation in the morning, which helps them a lot in taking decisions. To make your brain work at it’s peak, you need to do meditation and remain calm.

Habit no. 2

A for Affirmation

Affirmative is nothing but a statement which we speak to the brain again and again. Which causes Brain to believe it to be true and starts working for it. If you start telling yourself that I can do this. Or I am a Confident Person, your mind has to accept this. And by this you start performing really well.

Habit no. 3

V for Visualization

In the affirmation, you had to set your mind repeatedly by saying this thing, but in Visualization you have to imagine about those things. Have to think about them. When you think of doing something, it is very important that you imagine about them first. It helps you a lot to complete it.

Habit no. 4

E for Exercise

There are many benefits of exercising in the morning. By exercising, your body stays healthy, your brain works properly, your energy level increases. And you feel better. And you can get all this by doing a few minutes of exercise in the morning. You can increase your energy, awareness and thoughts 10 times by exercising just a few minutes.

Habit no. 5

R for Reading

Every successful person in the world says the same thing, you have to become successful. So keep reading. Read the books. With this you will be able to improve yourself. By reading, you improve your intelligence, your knowledge, thoughts and you yourself in every way.

Habit no. 6

S for Scribing

By Scribing, means to write. Write your dreams, your ideas,  your goals, thoughts, your moments.  Writing helps you make your dreams a reality.

Hal started losing everything before doing these 6 habits. His home, his business, his wealth.  And after 3 months of doing these 6 habits, he saved everything. and learned to be happy.

And this is how this book ends.

Some quotes we all need to know.

The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams. ( The miracle morning review )

The miracle morning

All starts with how you wake up in the morning, and that there are small, simple steps you can start taking today that will enable you to become the person you need to be to create the levels of success you truly want and deserve, in every area of your life.

The miracle morning

On the one hand, we all want to be happy. On the other hand, we all know the things that make us happy. But we don’t do those things. Why? Simple. We are too busy. Too busy doing what? Too busy trying to be happy. (The miracle morning review)

The miracle morning

You snooze, you lose. The truth about waking up

The miracle morning

Ideas can come from anywhere and at any time. The problem with making mental notes is that the ink fades very rapidly

The miracle morning

Focused, productive, successful mornings generate focused, productive, successful days which inevitably create a successful life. In the same way that unfocused, unproductive, and mediocre mornings generate unfocused, unproductive, and mediocre days, and ultimately a mediocre quality of life. (The miracle morning review)

The miracle morning


What is the significance of getting up early in life, if you want to know then you should read this book. This book is very influential. It is difficult to tell how happy I am to read this book. Some such books are there. Which a human should definitely read in his lifetime. And this is the book. Even if I want to take out mistakes from this book, I will not be able to take it out. I am very impressed by this.

The language style of the book was simple. No difficult words to be seen. Talking about character development.  There is not much character in the book, Which according to this book was a good thing. I think so. Enjoyed reading and learning.



Rating: 5 out of 5.


Every human has two aspects. One is negative and one is positive. The first aspect shows the negative part. That makes a person sad and frustrated. The other aspect which is the same shows the positive aspect of human being. Which makes a person happy. If you want to live life by being happy, then you have to focus on second aspect in life. You also have to take care of your first aspect, how can you convert negativity into positivity. These things have been written very well in this book.

Read all the quotes of this book. Click here.

If you want to know what is the importance of getting up early in the morning to live life, then you must read this book. The miracle morning. and I highly recommend to read this.

the miracle morning review

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Hal Elrod is an American author, keynote speaker and success coach. He is popularly known for his miracle morning line-ups

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