The Paris Apartment Quotes | Lucy Foley | Scribble Whatever

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The Paris Apartment Quotes
The Paris Apartment
Lucy Foley (Author of The Paris Apartment)

“A pathetic thing to hope, but there you have it. I’ve always had to hunt for scraps where paternal affection’s concerned.” (The Paris Apartment Quotes)

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment
The Paris Apartment Quotes

“A strange feeling, knowing they can see me but I can’t see them properly.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“An ageing wife is one thing; a fat wife is another.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“And if anyone was going to make it I’d been so sure it would be Ben Daniels. If he couldn’t, what hope was there for the rest of us?”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“And somehow, even though I hate my name, on his lips it sounded different, almost special.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“As I revealed the lingerie that had been bought at great expense but hardly ever seen by eyes other than my own. Revealed my body, denied so much pleasure, kept and kempt for a man who barely glanced at it.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“But also, I watch. I see everything. And it gives me a strange kind of power, even if I’m the only one who’s aware of it.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“But that’s what being poor does to you; it shortens your childhood. It hardens your ambition.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“But then I have also spent many evenings alone here over the years. I suppose I’m not unlike other women of my social standing. Left to rattle around in their huge apartments while their husbands are away – with their mistresses, caught up in their work.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“Crazy to think there was a heatwave only a few weeks ago. I need a proper coat. But there’s always been a lot of things I need that I’m never going to get.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“Far better to have a second wife who could never make him feel inferior, who came from somewhere so far beneath him that she would always be grateful. Someone he could mould as he chose. And I was so happy to be moulded. To become Madame Sophie Meunier with her silk scarves and diamond earrings. I could leave that place far behind. I wouldn’t end up like some of the others. Like the poor wretch who had given birth to my daughter.” (The Paris Apartment Quotes)

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“Fat in this country is seen as a sign of weakness, even of stupidity. The thought gave me a nasty sort of pleasure.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“For so many years my insignificance and invisibility have been a mask I can hide behind. And in the process I have avoided raking up the past. Raking up the shame.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment
The Paris Apartment Quotes

“He should have known. Should have been less arrogant, less cavalier. Should at least have had a chain put on the door. And yet he thought he was invincible, thought that he was the one in control. He has been so stupid, so arrogant.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“He was a chameleon, an enigma. I had no idea, really, who I had invited under this roof, into the bosom of my family.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“He’d probably prefer that to having a son like me. At the very least, he’d disinherit me. And while I didn’t know how I felt about taking his money, I wasn’t ready to give it up just yet.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“I could not explain that I simply wanted someone to love. Wholehearted, unreserved, requited.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“I find myself gripping the pendant of my necklace. It’s a St. Christopher: Mum gave us both one, to keep us safe—even if that was her job, not something to be outsourced to a little metal saint.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“I need a proper coat. But there’s always been a lot of things I need that I’m never going to get.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“I only hope she knows what she’s doing. Climbing so high, so quickly: it only makes for further to fall.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“I pause. Something about this doesn’t feel right. I’ve had to rely on my instincts quite a lot over the years. And I’ve also been here before. Hand clasped around the door handle. Not knowing what I’m going to find on the other side”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“I’ve always loved this time of year, Halloween especially. The chance to wallow in darkness after all the tedious cheerfulness and heat of the summer.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“It was the worst, most shameful thing I had ever done. It was the best thing that had ever happened to me.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“It’s a beautiful building, but there’s something rotten at its heart. Now he’s discovered it he can smell the stench of it everywhere.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“It’s not about where you came from. What kind of shit might have happened to you in the past. It’s about who you are. What you do with the opportunities life presents to you.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

 “It’s so very like you, isn’t it? The elegant exterior, the cheap grubby reality inside.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“Not trapped here like me, friendless and alone. How badly I longed to trade places with her.” (The Paris Apartment Quotes)

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“Paris you can live in the most luxurious apartment and the scum of the city will still wash up at your door on occasion. The drug addicts, the vagrants. The whores. Pigalle, the red-light district, lies just a little way away, clinging to the coattails of Montmartre.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“She looks rich. Not flashy rich. The French equivalent of posh. You don’t have hair that perfect unless you spend your days doing basically nothing.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“Sometimes, when I’ve got a stick of charcoal or a paintbrush in my hand, it feels like the only time I’m complete. The only way I can speak properly.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“That night in Amsterdam. It was the worst, most shameful thing I had ever done. It was the best thing that had ever happened to me. That was how I used to see it, anyway. Until he came to stay.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“The cat gazes at me for a few moments, then turns its head on one side like it’s asking a question. It’s the first time I’ve seen it sit still like this. Then it raises a paw to its mouth and licks.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“The lights are on in the concierge’s cabin. Of course: that nosey old bitch never misses a trick. Creeping out from shadowy corners. Always watching, always there. Looking at you like she knows all your secrets.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“There’s something reckless about her – it feels as though she might do anything. Unpredictable. Dangerous. And given this morning’s outing she’s clearly got issues with the police.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“There’s this expression in French. Être bien dans sa peau. To feel good in your own skin.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“They’ve all left. My jaw is stiff with the effort of maintaining a mask of serenity. The girl turning up here completely derailed my plans for the evening. I haven’t managed to achieve anything I wanted to with the others.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“This was it, I knew it. This was why I’d waited so long. I was different to Camille. I couldn’t just screw around with random guys. It had to be something real. Un grand amour. I had thought I’d been in love before.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“To crawl, as Theo put it, back into the belly of the beast, I’d thought it sounded melodramatic when he said it but when I stand at the gate and look up at it, it feels right. Like this place, this building, is some huge creature ready to swallow me whole.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“To others gardening is a form of creative abandon. To me it is a way of exerting control upon my surroundings.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“To signify class, good taste, the kind of breeding that cannot be bought.” (The Paris Apartment Quotes)

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“We can do our family members down as much as we like. But the second an outsider insults them our blood seethes. At the end of the day I don’t like him – but I love him. And I see my own failures in him.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

 “When I married Jacques I understood it as an exchange. My youth and beauty for his wealth. Over the years, as is the way with this particular kind of contract, my worth only diminished as his increased.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

“You know, I read somewhere that sixty percent of us can’t go more than ten minutes without lying. Little slippages: to make ourselves sound better, more attractive, to others. White lies to avoid causing offence. So it’s not like I’ve done anything out of the ordinary. It’s only human.”

Lucy Foley
The Paris Apartment

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The Paris Apartment Quotes

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