The Searcher Quotes | Tana French | Scribble Whatever

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The Searcher
Tana French (Author of The Searcher)

“All you can do is your best. Sometimes it doesn’t work out the way you intend it to. You just gotta keep doing it anyway.” (The Searcher Quotes)

Tana French
The Searcher
The Searcher Quotes

“Black people got mad about being treated like crap. Bad cops got mad ’cause they were getting called on their shit all of a sudden. Good cops got mad ’cause they were the bad guys when they hadn’t done anything.”

Tana French
The Searcher

“Despite not having touched a drop of booze yesterday, he has the same feeling he associates with hangovers, a heavy, prickly disinclination towards everything around him. He wants today over and done with.”

Tana French
The Searcher

“Everyone was always talking about talking, and the most moral person was the one who yelled at the most other people for doing the talking all wrong.”

Tana French
The Searcher

“He feels no urge to understand the stars better; he’s contented with them as they are.”

Tana French
The Searcher

“He hated the way every drug in its different way scooped the solidity right out of the world and left it quicksand-textured, cracked across and wavering at the edges. They did the same thing to people: people on drugs stopped being what you knew them to be.”

Tana French
The Searcher

“He wants to punch something, but he knows that would do nothing but bust his knuckles. Having that much sense makes him feel old.”

Tana French
The Searcher

“Her belief is built purely out of hope, piled on top of nothing, solid as smoke. Her worry, on the other hand, is dense and sharp-cornered as a lump of rock.

Tana French
The Searcher

“I am a poor wayfaring stranger Traveling through this world alone But there’s no sickness, toil or danger In that bright world to which I go. I’m going there to see my loved ones I’m going there, no more to roam I’m only going over Jordan I’m only going over home.”

Tana French
The Searcher

“I’m contrary by nature. The more people try to shoo me away from something, the more I dig my heels in. I always was that way, even as a little guy.”

Tana French
The Searcher

“It comes to him with the clarity of a sound, a neat small chink like metal hitting stone.”

Tana French
The Searcher

“It makes the situation bloom with a seductive, ephemeral intimacy, like they’re the last people left awake at a house party, caught up in a conversation that won’t count tomorrow morning.”

Tana French
The Searcher

“Landscape is one of the few things he knows of where the reality doesn’t let you down. The West of Ireland looked beautiful on the internet; from right smack in the middle of it, it looks even better. The air is rich as fruitcake, like you should do more with it than just breathe it; bite off a big mouthful, maybe, or rub handfuls of it over your face.”

Tana French
The Searcher
The Searcher Quotes

“Listen, would you. That American meat you were ating back home, that’s chock fulla hormones. They pump those into the cattle to fatten them up. So what d’you think they do to human beings? They’ll swell you up like a balloon and put tits on you like Dolly Parton. Mad yokes. The EU has them all banned, over here. That’s what put the weight on you to begin with. Now that you’re ating dacent Irish meat, it’ll fall off you again. We’ll have you looking like Gene Kelly in no time. ”

Tana French
The Searcher

“Nineteen-year-olds, almost all of them, don’t have their feet on the ground. They’re turning loose from their families and they haven’t found anything else to moor themselves to; they blow like tumbleweed. They’re unknowns, to the people who used to know them inside out and to themselves.”

Tana French
The Searcher

“The greens and golds have thinned to watercolor; the sky is one scoured sweep of pale blue”

Tana French
The Searcher

“The mountains on the horizon look like someone took a pocketknife and sliced neat curves out of the star-thick sky, leaving empty blackness. Here and there, spread out, are the yellow rectangles of windows, tiny and valiant.”

Tana French
The Searcher

“The place makes it clear that whoever lives there has only themselves to please.”

Tana French
The Searcher

“The point is that I like staying out of other people’s business. I like it a lot. But in order to do that, I need to know where other people’s business lies.”

Tana French
The Searcher
The Searcher Quotes

“The sky, dappled in subtle gradations of gray, goes on forever; so do the fields, coded in shades of green by their different uses, divided up by sprawling hedges, dry-stone walls and the odd narrow back road.”

Tana French
The Searcher

“The wind combs the heather and gorse with a low ceaseless rustle. Its smell has a sweetness almost too cold to catch. The sky is a fine-grained gray, and from somewhere in its heights a bird sends down a pure wild whistling.”

Tana French
The Searcher

“There’s no nipping women’s ideas. Cut them down one place, they grow up another. ”

Tana French
The Searcher

“We’ve a great tradition here of going out and getting our own education, if no one offers it to us on a plate.”

Tana French
The Searcher

“What I’m saying to you is, if you’re going to have a woman in the house, you want one that fills a bit of space. It’s no good having some skin-and-bones scrap of a girl with a mousy wee voice on her and not a word out of her from one day to the next. You wouldn’t be getting your money’s worth. When you walk into the house, you want to be seeing your woman, and hearing her. You need to know she’s there, or what’s the point in having her at all? ”

Tana French
The Searcher

“Young folks always think old folks worry too much, and old folks always think young folks don’t worry enough.”

Tana French
The Searcher
The Searcher Quotes

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The Searcher Quotes

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