Tripwire Quotes | Lee Child | Scribble Whatever

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Tripwire Quotes
Lee Child (Author of Tripwire)

“Combat is about time and space and opposing forces. Like a huge four-dimensional diagram. First step is to misinform the enemy. Let him think your diagram is a completely different shape. You assume all communications are penetrated, and then you use them to spread lies and deceit. You buy yourself an advantage.” (Tripwire Quotes)

Lee Child

“Difference between the men and the boys is the price of their toys?”

Lee Child

“Don’t worry about why it went wrong. Just damn well put it right.”

Lee Child

“First you spend a lot of time and money making the grass grow, just so you can spend a lot of time and money cutting it down again a little while later.”

Lee Child

“He looked at them and wondered if they were the fools, or if he was.”

Lee Child

“Hopeless is hopeless, and don’t ever pretend it ain’t”

Lee Child

“It had been everything he had dreamed it would be, multiplied by a million. She wasn’t a myth. She was a living breathing creature, hard and strong and sinewy and perfumed, warm and shy and giving.”

Lee Child

“Jodie didn’t need it explained to her that her father had been one of the good guys. She knew. She was moving with the serenity of a person who had loved the old guy all her life, and had been loved back. There was nothing she had neglected to tell him, nothing he had neglected to tell her. People live, and then they die, and as long as they do both things properly, there’s nothing much to regret.”

Lee Child

“People live, and then they die, and as long as they do both things properly, there’s nothing much to regret.”

Lee Child

 “Reacher knew people with houses. He had talked to them, with the same kind of detached interest he would talk to a person who kept snakes as pets or entered ballroom dancing competitions.”

Lee Child

“She just went into her bag for her keys and got out of the car and skipped straight across the sidewalk and into the coffee shop.”

Lee Child

“The fittest guy he had ever known was a Belgian soldier who swore the key to fitness was to do whatever the hell you liked as long as you drank five litres of mineral water every day.”

Lee Child

“The guy stood a yard inside the dark room and waited, blinking, letting his eyes adjust to the gloom after the hot whiteness of the Key West sun. It was June, dead-on four o’clock in the afternoon, the southernmost part of the United States. Way farther south than most of the Bahamas. A hot white sun and a fierce temperature. Reacher sat at his table in back and sipped water from a plastic bottle and waited.”

Lee Child

“The sort of wallet that molds itself tight around the stuff crammed inside.”

Lee Child

“The whole point of drifting was happy passive acceptance of no alternatives. Having alternatives ruined it.”

Lee Child

“There was nothing she had neglected to tell him, nothing he had neglected to tell her. People live, and then they die, and as long as they do both things properly, there’s nothing much to regret.”

Lee Child

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