Untamed | Glennon Doyle | Summary | Scribble Whatever


Untamed is a book (novel) of Glennon Doyle. Glennon Doyle is an American author and activist known for her #1 New York Times bestsellers Untamed and Love Warrior and bestseller Carry On, Warrior. Untamed is a 2020 memoir by Glennon Doyle. It is her third memoir following her works Love Warrior and Carry on, Warrior. The genre of this book is memoir. This book helps you look at life – your life and the place within it – through an honest lens. So let’s turn on again. (Untamed Summary)


“Every life is an unprecedented experiment. This life is mine alone. So I have stopped asking people for directions to places they’ve never been. There is no map. We are all pioneers.”

Glennon Doyle

These book chapters talk about how she did it, and how it will inspire you to keep a mirror in your life. Lets you identify places where you don’t feel completely free. And it will provide you with some motivational strategies to become irrepressible to your desires. And at the same time creating the wildest and most satisfying life you can think of.

Chapter 1

Glennon Doyle fell in love with a different woman while she was promoting a memoir about her marriage. Have you experienced something that changed your whole life in the blink of an eye? Glennon Doyle has surely experienced something like this. When he encountered Abby Wambach, Abby was an American football player, on the other hand Doyle was married, and she was also a successful Christian. It is better to never get attracted towards any other woman in her life.

However immediately she saw Abby that she was engrossed in a fierce desire that she could not defy because Doyle is a Christian mom blogger as well as a writer. Along with marriage she had a devoted following of the millions of women who depended on her for the actual council on parenting. In addition, she was on the verge of publishing a book called Love Warrior.

There wasn’t a significant spark in Doyle’s marriage, even though he is well, co-parenting and he was good, she didn’t really feel physically attracted to him and he abhorred intercourse with his uncertainty about their marriage. Hesitating Doyle to promote Love Warrior. However, there was no turning back from it.

She was to give a presentation at a national book convention as part of her promotional responsibilities during dinner before that time; a woman unexpectedly entered the room. Doyle couldn’t take his eyes off Abby. She was the woman who walked in; she was the retired, professional soccer player who was also in attendance at the convention to launch her memoir. Although they have never come across each other before. It felt as though, her body was reacting to its will by being covered in Abby’s arms.

Chapter 2

When Doyle was a young child, she was completely unconscious. She played smoothly and went with her ease. However, when she turned 10, she began to internalize the social teachings. The girl should look and act. She began to agree with the idea that she should be happy, obedient and Finn as well as beautiful.

Doyle lost an important connection with everyone. She became truly anxious depressed and eventually rude binging as well as purging was a means of easing the pain and hiding her feelings. She also drank a lot and took drugs. Something that she did in her teens and she did in her early 20s. It engages her senses for her regular distress as well as anxiety.

However then, when she turned 26, she became pregnant. She felt that she had reached a crossroads. If she wants a child, she has to change her life. All in all, she decided to calm down and married the child’s father named Craig, becoming the great mother, wife and Christian.

Back again. However, she was still living her life based on others Expectations. She hadn’t managed to leave the sexist, cages she stayed inside, feeling a wildfire burning beneath the surface of her skin. However, she feared that accepting it would ruin her and her family as well. So, she suppressed that fire for as long as she could, when Doyle found a creature, she understood the animal nature of her body won’t be silent anymore.

Chapter 3

Doyle had to learn to put her desires first. As individuals in an updated courtship went on to become a great mother, Doyle as well as Abby began writing letters back and forth with every letter they wrote to each other, they grew deeper and deeper in love, though they Once thrashed each other, their relationship was undeniable.

However, how can they be with each other? They lived on separate shores and the two were married to another person, even though Abby was in the process of separating with her wife, Doyle understood that if she actually wish to be together with Abby, she’d need to separate with her husband. However, the idea of that frightened her, there was no assurance that things between them would work out and breaking up. Her family was against everything that Doyle believed about being a great mother. One, importantly, let go of her uncertainties while imagining what she would feel. If one of her daughters comes to her in a precise dilemma, her daughter’s realization of an important thing to Doyle, she was using her children to remain in their marriage. She would, however, be shattered if one of her daughters was terminated in the same tragic situation.

Doyle chose that even though things didn’t work out well with Abby, she was no longer ready to be imprisoned in a sad marriage. She realized what real love could look like and refused to settle for less so she sat down and said she saw another person. She was later leaving the marriage, she informs their children who are surprised and shattered but are assured by Doyle and Craig that they will form a new type of family together.

Chapter 4

Doyle, seeing herself faced with a difficult choice, opened up about her divorce from her husband. However, she did not say that she had fallen in love with another woman. Should she keep the truth or tell her readers, what exactly Doyle’s publishing team did was scare. Love Warrior was selected for Oprah’s book club and was almost certain to be a best-seller.

However, Doyle knew that she would feel that she was lying and lying was not an option for her. She had taken the promise of honesty as she calmed down, which meant taking accountability for her choices and never knowingly lying on stage. When discussing marriage, redemption would be a shameless lie. She will reveal her soul to them and they will do what they used to send her intimate letters talking about every detail of their life. If she is honest with her readers, she will betray their trust as well as damage their credibility. So, she chose to talk about what was really happening. Taking a deep breath. she uploaded a picture of herself together on Facebook.

Untamed Summary
Glennon & Abby

She and Abby had fallen in love and were even forming a new type of family co-parenting their kids with Craig, she logged out and expected the worst. Although the worst never happened, she was showered with helpful messages that, even though her followers didn’t like her, supported her in expanding her book.

Love Warrior sold out when the book was published quickly. Frankly, her career certainly didn’t get ruined. Doyle still promoted book throughout the country. However, instead of selling lies about great marriages, she engaged in deeper and more genuine discussions with her readers. She discussed, how difficult marriage is and how, sometimes the best means to save her family is to get a divorce.

Chapter 5

Some notable Christian leaders said that she had given up her faith, much in her community. She found it difficult to understand the reason behind her separation from her husband, the most difficult of them all. After her mother had assumed that Doyle’s relationship with Abby was a mistake, Doyle counted her mother among those who understood her best. In general she took her views very seriously. However, at the time where she had contact with her 10-year-old self, she understood how risky it was to be influenced by outside thoughts.

Doyle understood that she needed to create a tool for making decisions for herself. However, how a certain motto inspired her to retreat to a closet in her house for 10 minutes daily. In that closest she would have been as silent as possible. And focus only on herself. At first, it was torture, with Doyle feeling like an input junkie going into a detox. However, she continued

She was able to immerse herself in a very, very quiet place. A fundamental intuition remained there.

She came to the realization that some of her beliefs were completely out of date, for example, that she was brought up to think that being worthy, being busy and productive all the time, this belief ruined her data connection. Impressed, she finds herself, furious, when she finds herself relaxing on the couch in the middle of the day. However, realizing that she no longer really believes that productivity is exceeded. One time Doyle was so desperate for outside validation that she even went to Google to ask if she should stay with her husband after he cheated on her. However, having reconnected with her intuition, she no longer had to rush to her liking.

Chapter 6

Doyle’s new relationship has affected every aspect of her life. This particularly affected how she addressed it. Her religion was a well-known member of the Doyle Christian Society. However, she was now in a relationship with another woman. Many Christians consider this a great sin. How could she reconcile those different identities when her children were young? Doyle went to a church service, which seemed really welcoming until the pastor said that being a Christian meant professing homosexuality.

Why should she let a pastor go Be the middleman between her and God? Doyle had read the Bible and she was fascinated by the story of Jesus as well as his commitment to social justice. Jesus was a pro-immigrant. He used his life for the upliftment of the societies. So when Doyle did some research into why so many people read his message in Ammonia opposing discrimination against LGBTQ society and abortion rights, she found that these problems only became famous during the 1970s. When a small group of Evangelical leaders chose to pursue a conservative political plan. Evangelical voters nowadays are very powerful in politics and they are also partly in charge of electing leaders.

After some thought, Doyle decided not to stop referring to herself as a Christian. She still refers to herself. Now, according to her, there is no difference between being a woman as well as being loyal. In fact, she thinks that her choice to be with Abby has actually brought her closer to God. She believes that God resides in her.

Chapter 7

As well as the seven pains in racing, the pain literally drove Doyle, the eldest daughter of Darrell who wanted to try Doyle on a soccer team. Heart drowned Tish gets angry and sensitive easily. She was never really athletic, Doyle fearing she would be devastated if she was not selected for the team. However, Abby was certain that Tish had potential and motivated her to try Tish over and over again with a veteran. However, she continued to surprise and delights everyone eventually. She made it to the football team in an attempt to protect Tish Doyle and nearly barred her from participating. One of the things that make her feels the most alive.

Chapter 8

Doyle was inspired to inform her daughters about the civil rights movement when she examined a photo of a protest that revealed a crowd of black civil rights activists and a single woman protesting.

It was then that Doyle realized that she believed in racial equality. However, she didn’t quite go on for the black life time after time. Doyle also did not see how white supremacy affected the nation. She stayed in her newsfeed. Showed white people back to living their privileged lives. Primarily untouched by racism, Doyle understood that she could believe in racial equality despite being a racist.

Also, it stands to reason that racism, like sexism, is not about individual beliefs. It’s basically about what we grow up learning. It’s also in the air that we remember in Doyle. The number of racist jokes, she got bigger. Hearing it, she remembered what her family had seen. Countless evenings, dark news, people getting arrested as part of the war on drugs.

She learns that she has come up with a diet of racist images and is teaching her to think that black women don’t matter. And black men are criminals too. As hard to believe as it was to be sober, she needed a complete detox that she was convinced to believe in white supremacy.

She also began to raise her voice about white supremacy as well as her involvement in it. Now, she talks about her own experiences working toward racial restraint in an effort to reveal that to other white women.

Chapter 9

Like any good writer for the life she wished for, Doyle wanted to be able to be in charge of the story of her life which was partially. Because of which she used to get very angry with her husband. When her husband cheated, she messed up. Her story of being the great ideal family. She tried to repair the damage by writing her memoir.

She used the story to say that they were still a great family. Still, they could endure betrayal and appear strong. However, her husband’s betrayal was a conspiracy for Abby to come into her life. The most beautiful wedding and family picture she could have imagined. What was the wildest free means of being faithful to God’s imagination. Gave a tool for creating a new story. Beyond the moment, as well as imagining the situation and the universe as it was.

Doyle’s relationship with Abby faced regular opposition. She envisioned a moment when she would build a safe and warm home with Abby, in the year 2017, Doyle and Abby was married. And since that time together they’ve been creating a totally contemporary marriage, a marriage that’s full of love, sex, fun, respect, a marriage that continues to grow based on their dreams of how it could be. They have built a family life that is richer than anything else.

And this is how the book ends.

Some quotes we all need to know

“Blessed are those brave enough to make things awkward, for they wake us up and move us forward.”

Glennon Doyle
Untamed Quotes

I am here to keep becoming truer, more beautiful versions of myself again and again forever. To be alive is to be in a perpetual state of revolution.”

Glennon Doyle
Untamed Quotes

“The truest, most beautiful life never promises to be an easy one. We need to let go of the lie that it’s supposed to be.”

Glennon Doyle
Untamed Quotes



Rating: 4 out of 5.


This book is about women and it will reshape your way of thinking and you will come out more in love with yourself than ever before. Through her life stories and events, Glennon Doyle talks about all the things we go through in life or will probably go through as women.

Untamed Summary

Read all Quotes of ‘Untamed’, Click Here

About the Author

Doyle is an American author and activist known for her #1 New York Times bestsellers Untamed and Love Warrior and bestseller Carry On, Warrior. Untamed is a 2020 memoir by Glennon Doyle.

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