Vengeful Quotes | V. E. Schwab | Scribble Whatever

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A Darker Shade of Magic
V. E. Schwab (Author of Vengeful)

“A promise you can’t keep is just another lie.” (Vengeful Quotes)

V. E. Schwab

“Ask nice. Play nice. Marcella was so tired of nice.”

V. E. Schwab

“Better to be friendly, without being friends.”

V. E. Schwab

“Every end may be a new beginning, but every beginning had to end”

V. E. Schwab

“How many men would she have to turn to dust before one took her seriously?”

V. E. Schwab

“I don’t want to survive. I want to thrive.”

V. E. Schwab

“I wanted us to do this, together. I’m not a coat, Marcus. You don’t get to check me at the door.”

V. E. Schwab

“Ignorance is only bliss if you want to get caught.”

V. E. Schwab

“Knowledge may be power, but money buys both.”

V. E. Schwab

“Maybe we are broken. But we put ourselves back together. We survived. That’s what makes us so powerful. And as for family—well, blood is always family, but family doesn’t always have to be blood.”

V. E. Schwab

“Men look at anyone with power and see only a threat, an obstacle in their path. They never have the sense to see power for what it really is. Potential.”

V. E. Schwab

“Perhaps she was glass. But glass is only brittle until it breaks. Then it’s sharp.”

V. E. Schwab

“Some people were matches, a bit of light and no heat. And some were furnaces, all heat but little light. And then, once in a blue moon, there was a bonfire, something so hot and bright you couldn’t stand too near without burning.”

V. E. Schwab

“The life I had is gone. There’s no getting it back. I’d rather make a new one. A better one. One where I don’t have to pretend to be weak to survive.”

V. E. Schwab

“The next time you point a gun at someone, make sure you’re ready to pull the trigger.”

V. E. Schwab

“War needed both kinds of people—those who played the long game and those who played the short one.”

V. E. Schwab

“When you think about it, it’s really all anyone ever wants. Once upon a time, power was determined by lineage—the age of blood. Then it was determined by money—the age of gold. But I think it’s time for a new age, Victor. The age of power itself.”

V. E. Schwab

“You look like Snow White killed the queen and stole the mirror.”

V. E. Schwab

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